Reading roundup and meme

Feb 21, 2016 18:20

I was going to wait to post until I'd finished Natural History of Dragons #2, but I'm stalled on the last 50 pages, it appears, since I got my Kindle back, and a neat fannish meme came along on Tumblr, so:

10. H.P.Mallory, To Kill a Warlock (Dulcie O'Neil book 1 -- not that I'm planning to read any more of them) -- Oh my god, this book was so bad ( Read more... )

a: jordan l hawk, fandom meme, reading, a: h.p.mallory, meme

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Comments 130

xlovebecomesher February 22 2016, 04:25:54 UTC
Harry Potter for the meme! :)


hamsterwoman February 22 2016, 04:45:12 UTC
HP is a great fandom for this meme!

My favorite parent-child relationship
OK, actually, it's the Malfoys and Draco. I'm not suggesting they're model parents or anything, but when it comes to nuclear family, they're probably my favorite one, and Narcissa, at least, has her priorities straight.

My favorite sibling relationship
All the Weasley sibs, but especially Fred and George!

My favorite family relationship (other)
I like the glimpse we have of the various Weasley cousins in the epilogue (and hope there's lots more in The Cursed Child).

Also, if godfather counts as "family relationship", I really loved the brief time Harry and Sirius had together.

My favorite friendship between two people
Harry and Ron.

My favorite friendship between a group
The Marauders! (I love the Trio, too, but I'm not sure three people qualifies as a "group".

My favorite mentorshipI'm not really sure if Dumbledore can be really said to mentor Harry -- mostly he leaves Harry to figure out stuff on his own -- but it still kind of works. Also, in a ( ... )


xlovebecomesher March 7 2016, 02:21:00 UTC
I wish she would do a prologue so we could see more about James Potter, Snape, Lily, Etc!


qwentoozla February 22 2016, 07:04:03 UTC
Vorkosigan Saga for the meme?


hamsterwoman February 22 2016, 07:22:09 UTC

My favorite parent-child relationship
Aral and Cordelia and Miles and Mark. (And Gregor. Gregor totally counts.) But I also love the relationship between Ivan and Lady Alys, and the um-relationship between Ivan and Simon, too. ALLLLL the parent-child relationships. All of them!

My favorite sibling relationship
Miles and Gregor if I can count it, or Miles and Mark if Gregor doesn't count.

My favorite family relationship (other)
I love the relationship between Miles and Count Piotr, warts and all (where in this case "warts" = attempted infanticide, but anyway!). I also really love the cousin relationship between Miles and Ivan.

My favorite friendship between two people
So many of the ties are family ties, or family-ties-at-one-remove. Avoiding those to avoid duplication, let me go with Miles and Galeni -- they play off each other so wonderfully, and there's so much history between them, most of it not even their own. I have also come to really love the friendship between Cordelia and Alys, but once again, we're back to ( ... )


qwentoozla February 22 2016, 23:51:40 UTC
There are so many great family relationships in Vorkosigan Saga, aren't there? I would totally count Miles and Gregor as a sibling relationship. And you're right, Laisa and Mark interacting would be great!


hamsterwoman February 23 2016, 00:30:22 UTC
Laisa and Mark interacting would be great!

Pretty sure it would give Miles a heart attack, though :P


a_phoenixdragon February 22 2016, 10:10:30 UTC
Sherlock BBC!!

OMG, still need to read RofL!! *Makes note to do so...QUICKLY*

Dude. Those first two books. I mean, the first one 'reads' like a really, REALLY bad fanfic. Like to the point where your description makes me think someone was making a joke, then took it serious after all

The second one...why must most m/m fiction out there just...SUCK when it comes to the actual m/m bits. Really? UGH...



hamsterwoman February 22 2016, 21:28:11 UTC
Hmm, Sherlock is tough because the cast is not very large (and also because I've still not seen season 3 or the Christmas special)

My favorite parent-child relationship
I'm not sure there have been any parent/child relationships on the bits of the show I've seen... I think I've heard there's a bit in series 3 where we get to meet Sherlock and Mycroft's parents? Or just hear about them? Anyway, that would be an interesting one to see, whether it's there or not.

My favorite sibling relationship
Definitely Sherlock and Mycroft! I like their relationship better in the show than in ACD canon, by a fair bit.

My favorite family relationship (other)
What else have we seen? I don't think we've seen any family relationships that weren't siblings (or couples, which is outside the scope of this meme, I assume).

My favorite friendship between two people
John and Sherlock, of course! (I mean, I'm fine with a non-gen spin on their relationship, too, but I also like them as very close but platonic friends.)

My favorite friendship between a ( ... )


a_phoenixdragon February 23 2016, 05:06:57 UTC
Good answers!! Sherlock was a hard one for this meme!!

Sometimes hate those limitations...other times, I'm very proud that the writers of such genre books are shackled, yet can still produce good work within the contraints.



hamsterwoman February 23 2016, 06:11:44 UTC
Yeah, Sherlock was a bit of a challenge. But a fun one! :)


meathiel February 22 2016, 11:55:10 UTC
Rivers of London for the meme! :D

I've "bought" Hunter of Demons now as it's also 0€ on Amazon in Germany. The next books are 3,09€, though. Not fair!


hours_gone_by February 22 2016, 16:53:03 UTC
You can buy SPECTR series 1 as a whole for about $10, at least on Smashwords and I did that & thought the series was best read as a whole, rather than 6 separate books, though it'd stand up both ways.


meathiel February 22 2016, 17:03:39 UTC
Unfortunately I can only buy from Amazon Germany and their prices mostly vary a lot from the US or Canada ... :-(


hamsterwoman February 22 2016, 17:04:18 UTC
Back with meme in a bit, but wanted to let you know that I could lend you the rest of the series 1 SPECTR books if you find you like the freebie. Amazon has this feature enabled, and I think all I need to lend it to you is your email, which I already have :)

I'm not sure what would happen if I lent you a book that I'm still reading and just didn't turn on the WiFi on my Kindle -- I think that would still work. But as I'll probably be done with the first bunch in a couple of days anyway, I can just lend it to you when I'm done, or you could drop me a ping when you've read the first book and let me know if you're interested in reading on.


misura February 22 2016, 16:33:53 UTC
Chronicles of Amber for the meme, because er, I don't know, this seems like a good meme for that?

... Should I admit I enjoyed your review of book #10 even more than that of book #11 and #12 combined? (Can we blame it on 'whew, relieved I didn't have to read it myself to find that out' feelings?)


hamsterwoman February 22 2016, 17:56:36 UTC
I was thinking Amber would be great for this too, yeah! :)

My favorite parent-child relationship
As someone who grew up on Greek mythology, I actually have an enormous soft spot for can't-keep-it-in-his-pants patriarchs of a pantheon, so I've got to give this to Oberon and the general utter mess he's left behind. We only really see him interact with Corwin, of his children (and that in disguise, which is pretty telling, but anyway), so I guess it's Oberon and Corwin, by default. But I do love their dynamic.

My favorite sibling relationship
So many to choose from! Corwin and Bleys are my favorite pair of half-siblings, but they are not THAT siblingy. So when I think of true sibling relationships, it's probably Corwin and Random, although I'm also really fond of Bleys and Fiona.

My favorite family relationship (other)Luke and Merlin. I mostly don't care for Merlin, but I really do enjoy his relationship with Luke, especially the way they keep alluding to their mundane past, like Merlin wearing Berkeley colors to Luke's coronation ( ... )


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