Reading roundup: more Vlad Taltos + Sisters Red, finally

Mar 13, 2011 20:06

19. Jackson Pearce, Sisters Red -- this was a very interesting read. I liked the book, though I certainly didn't ~love~ it, and there was a lot about it that I thought was not as good as the central core. ( Spoilers from here )

abercrombie, ya, a: jackson pearce, link, taltos, reading meme, reading, a: steven brust

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Comments 12

kitrinlu March 14 2011, 07:18:05 UTC
I'm finding I'm actually being led to a lot of comments/entries that mention Morrolan if I search by something other than his name (like Aliera), for the simple fact that a lot of people apparently can't spell Morrolan.
Looooool! XD

Aww, I love seeing you squee ^_^


hamsterwoman March 15 2011, 00:14:37 UTC
I should've clued in to that earlier, in retrospect -- it's one of those names where I have to do a mental double-take to make sure I've got the number of R's and L's right, and people also seem to think the O's and the A's are interchangeable XD

And, haha, I'm glad my random squeeing about these books has not yet become annoying (to you, anyway :). Of course it would have to be my most obscure fandom that I'd suddenly develop an overwhelmning obsession with XD


sheiannasherra March 14 2011, 18:55:47 UTC
I keep meaning to re=read the books that I have by Brust but for some reason I seem to have gone off fantasy... I don't really understand why since it's always been one of my favorite genres. Very strange... (I am currently re-reading sci-fi in the form of the Vorkosigan books that our library has and have decided that, yes, I DO need to try to find them for myself starting with the many titles that our library doesn't have!)

Number 18 in the second meme... Yeah, I definitely advise avoiding the travesty that they made of The Dark Is Rising. At least they changed the title so I can completely ignore it. As for number 19, ironically The Dark Is Rising always makes me hungry for scones, though I'm not sure why since they don't really play much (or any!) part in it.


hamsterwoman March 15 2011, 00:18:26 UTC
Yeah, I go through phases where I almost don't read mysteries or sci-fi or various fantasy sub-genres, so I can understand that.

I went through a Vorkosigan reread phase last year or maybe the year before -- those books really do make for lovely comfort reading, I find. Have you read the latest, CryoBurn yet, btw?

At least they changed the title so I can completely ignore it.

Right, I remember hearing about that and TDIR fans being generally consoled by that fact. (I've also heard pretty bad things about the Wizard of Earthsea adaptation, which I also haven't seen.)


sheiannasherra March 15 2011, 04:12:10 UTC
Have you read the latest, CryoBurn yet, btw?

No, sadly this is one of the titles that the local library doesn't have though it is available through MELCat (our statewide library service) and I'm probably going to fill out a request for the local to pick a copy up since it's new enough for them to be able to get it.

I haven't seen the Wizard of Earthsea adaptation so I'm not sure how good or bad it is.


hamsterwoman March 15 2011, 05:58:55 UTC
Ah, hope you manage to get CryoBurn through the ILL or some other fashion. (I enjoyed it a lot, but then, it was a Vorkosigan book, and I always do.)

The next Vlad Taltos book is coming out in a few weeks, and, wonder of wonders, our library has already ordered a copy and I put a hold on one of them. Part of my hurry is that I'll forget everything like I normally do if I don't read it while the wave of my obsession is still cresting XP


q99 March 24 2011, 10:02:57 UTC
Vlad fan! *Friends you* (Followed from etrangere's journal ( ... )


hamsterwoman March 24 2011, 19:16:14 UTC
Hi!! :D *friends back*

I've been pretty starved for Vlad/Dragaera fans, so yay for another one on my flist! (I should've known Ete's would be the place to find them, heh.)

She can be so immature ^^

Heh. I guess it's refreshing for her to be able to be immature in Kiera-guise? I'm guessing Sethra does not get a lot of allowances for immaturity, at her age and station.

I'd say Cawti's problem is she's supposed to be a pretty awesome assassin, but she doesn't do very much of it. It'd be nice if she had helped out Vlad when he was in trouble a few more times.

I was a little surprised she didn't seem to be doing more in Jhereg... but really it's only Jhereg where she has the opportunity, since she is in a weird position in Yendi and by Teckla they're not working together anymore. But, I suppose, Jhereg being the first book makes it stand out more. Anyway, it's not that I think Cawti's particularly awesome, I just don't get the *dis*like she seems to get in fandom. Or maybe it's just that the Cawti haters are more vocal? Or my ( ... )


q99 March 25 2011, 14:33:54 UTC
I was a little surprised she didn't seem to be doing more in Jhereg... but really it's only Jhereg where she has the opportunity, since she is in a weird position in Yendi and by Teckla they're not working together anymore. But, I suppose, Jhereg being the first book makes it stand out more. Anyway, it's not that I think Cawti's particularly awesome, I just don't get the *dis*like she seems to get in fandom. Or maybe it's just that the Cawti haters are more vocal? Or my experience is skewed ( ... )


hamsterwoman March 25 2011, 17:51:14 UTC
with Morrolan down by surprise, Blackwand might've been torn between holding on to his soul, trying to heal him, or whatever, letting them throw on some anti-revivification spells quickly and get clear.

That's a good point! I could definitely see Blackwand choosing to focus on preserving Morrolan's soul to doing anything offensive (especially since I guess there was no way for it/her to know that they weren't going to try to make him unreviviableby even less reversiblemeans) -- especially in the role of familiar.

OK, I like this explanation -- it makes more sense than Blackwand just not playing a role at all. Thanks! :)


for <lj user = "ikel89"> -- porting over from text hamsterwoman March 6 2017, 17:55:55 UTC
A lot of my responses are inevitably flavored by the rest of the series, which builds from the foundation more interestingly and effectively than just about any series I know(which is the other reason, besides Morrolan, that I'm a big fan) -- that build-up is highly non-linear, and some parts of it work better for me than others, but it does a very interesting thing, from within a first person POV (and this is why the Prince Jerk books reminded me of Vlad ( ... )


Also, preserving this for posterity, don't mind me :) hamsterwoman March 6 2017, 19:48:28 UTC
ikel89's summary of Jhereg for alenky_cveto4ek (which I assume you're OK with me recording there -- let me know if this violates your privacy, or Vlad and Morrolan's XP)

morrolan: I am so honorable and straight that parisian meter bends to be like me
vlad: i'm so crooked and smooth I trip over my own feet
also vlad: there is this thing i could do which could upset morrolan. i can't do the thing.
morrolan: i shall make myself scarce bc my principles say vlad can't do the thing. so i can't see how he finds a way of doing the thing wihtout violating my honor.
vlad: did i tell u i hate all u fancy folks yet
morrolan: yes but u can tell me again
vlad: i don't visit u socially bitch :<
morrolan: ah yes, your general existence in my party list and on my payroll is a coincidence
vlad: ily morrolan
morrolan: ily vlad

(As the kids these days say, where is the lie? XP)


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