Reading roundup (and the conclusion of the Catch-22 Pact)

Nov 14, 2010 15:13

56. Naomi Novik, Tongues of Serpents -- I'm... not really sure how I feel upon finishing this book. Sad, I guess? Wistful? Somewhat disappointed, but in a way I think one is meant to be disappointed, though that doesn't make it less disappointing, you know? ( With spoilers )

a: naomi novik, a: mercedes lackey, a: joseph heller, temeraire, russian, a: charlaine harris, lackey, asoiaf, kidlit, a: e.l.konigsburg, catch-22 pact, westerosorting, reading, sookie stackhouse

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Comments 12

aome November 15 2010, 01:38:17 UTC
I think I started Firebird ages ago (it *is* an older book, isn't it?) and never finished it. I don't have the emotional connection with Russian-based stories, and this one never clicked. I don't recall if it was slowness or just lack-of-click but, whatever - I don't think I got very far before abandoning it.

I still enjoy most of Lackey's Valdemar series; I liked a few of her Bardic stories, and some of her Elemental Masters books, but I agree that her writing has become weaker over time.

Is the Novik book the last one in the Temeraire series? How many are there, total?

Feeling any better?


hamsterwoman November 15 2010, 02:50:17 UTC
I guess Firebird *is* an older book -- the one I was reading was a new edition, so I thought it was a new book, but looks like it was out in 1996. You didn't miss much :)

This is the last Temeraire that's out, #6. There are more planned, but I forget the exact number. *looks it up* Novik has said this series is planned to be 9 books long (so, three more), and will conclude with the end of the Napoleonic Wars, but that there may be other books about the characters or different eras in the same world, which I'm all in favor of :)

I seem to be better, yeah, though still coughing. Planning to go to work tomorrow... we'll see how it goes.


aome November 15 2010, 02:53:41 UTC
9 books long (so, three more), and will conclude with the end of the Napoleonic Wars

I admit that European history is not my strong suit. Just how long did the Napoleonic wars last, anyhow?


hamsterwoman November 15 2010, 03:02:07 UTC
Well, in the real world, they ended in 1815 (and started around 1803, I guess), but I'm not sure when/how she plans to end them in the Temeraire-verse, since the wars aren't proceeding according to the real events any longer.


reynardine November 15 2010, 01:58:03 UTC
Jennifer, Hecate, MacBeth, etc. was one of my favorite books when I was in the fourth grade. Konigsburg has another excellent one called From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, which won the Newberry Medal IIRC.

The Sookie books are trashy and funny, even more so if you've spent time in the South. (I grew up in Texas and my mom's family was from Mississippi. Most of them still live around there.) Charlaine Harris is obviously having a good time throwing in almost any supernatural thing she can think of into these books and spinning them around some. Which is probably the same factor that makes the TV show so much fun.


hamsterwoman November 15 2010, 02:54:08 UTC
I haven't read the Mixed-Up Files, either, but plan to steer L that way, since she ended up liking Jennifer, Hecate, et al. I feel like I'm a little old for these books, personally, but she's a fourth-grader, so I'd like her to enjoy them :)

I've never been to the South, so I probably miss some of the charm in the Sookie books, but I've been enjoying them a lot. Mostly in a "guilty pleasure" way, but they are actually better than I had expected. I think you're very right about Harris having a lot of fun with them, which only makes them more enjoyable for the reader. (I haven't seen True Blood. Some of the things I've heard about the show make me very intrigued... but I suspect that it would be to gory for me.)


esc_key November 15 2010, 03:26:30 UTC
I'm working on Cat and Lily next. :D


hamsterwoman November 15 2010, 06:10:43 UTC

I guess you're continuing with the "dead people go to Temeraire-verse" approach? Upon reflection, that woulf work for quite a few of these! (Robert, Rhaegar, Tywin, Joff, Drogo...) XD


lyssa027 November 15 2010, 04:23:46 UTC
I never actually read the sequel to Catch 22, so I don't know how it is. It might be cool to check out though


hamsterwoman November 15 2010, 06:11:06 UTC
Will keep you in mind if I decide to embark on a "Closing Time" pact! :)


deeplyunhip November 17 2010, 00:19:23 UTC

... )


hamsterwoman November 17 2010, 06:47:53 UTC
WHEEEEEE! I love the gamboling Homer gif! And your triumphant Stewie icon XD

I definitely noticed that Snowden quote too -- it's very powerful! But I can't say I liked it :P

I'd heard about the book Closing Time but didn't realize it was a sequel to Catch-22 until I read the afterword my book included and Heller mentioned it there. Sounds like Yossarian is at least in it, but it's set pretty long after Catch-22, so he's like middlee-aged or old in it. Which, hm.

And, yeah, Pact part 2 wouldn't be any time soon! :)



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