Reading roundup

Sep 03, 2010 12:57

44. Sarah Monette, The Virtu -- So. ( Spoilers )

dol, a: sarah monette, a: seanan mcguire, ya, a: kristin cashore, october daye, a: cassandra clare, reading, art

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Comments 17

travels_in_time September 3 2010, 21:15:38 UTC
Magnus was my favorite character in the entire series. What does that say about me? (In the City of...books.)


hamsterwoman September 3 2010, 21:24:52 UTC
To me, it says you have good taste! :) Magnus was my #2 favorite character, after Simon, and I have to say I liked him better than Simon in book 3.


aome September 3 2010, 23:44:54 UTC
Unrelated, but I saw these hamster pics on Cuteness Overload and thought you might get a kick out of them. If it's possible to contact the original picture-taker, that pizza or spaghetti one might make a handy icon. :D


hamsterwoman September 3 2010, 23:58:58 UTC
Oh, you're right about the iconability of these! I'd seen them on Cute Overload in passing, and found them adorable, of course, but hadn't thought of a potential usefulness. But the spaghetti-eating one would make a cool icon, you're right!


tabacoychanel September 4 2010, 00:54:16 UTC
<---- precious hamster icon is presh

it was pretty clear that "Sebastian" was actually the one with demonic blood in him
Lol not to me. I'm slow like that. As always it's nice to hear your thoughts both on books I've read and books I haven't. &hearts


hamsterwoman September 4 2010, 01:44:24 UTC
Heh, well, I was expecting there to be a bait-and-switch, because I was pretty sure that Jace was Stephen Herondale's son, and also, no way was this ending with either incest or something other than Jace/Clary, so I was on the lookout for the person who was *actually* going to be what Jace thought he was, and Sebastian was one of the few available candidates. Also, he was on the cover, which meant he had to be important, and if he wasn't going to be Clary's love interest (which he wasn't), then he had to be important in some other way.

It's entirely possible I've dedicated too much thought to this trilogy.

Hey, you're one of the few people I know who followed these books, and the Firefly icon indirectly reminded me, so let me ask -- have you seen the Llama Song fanvid for TMI? It was hilarious (and, predictably, earwormy).


tabacoychanel September 4 2010, 03:50:10 UTC
It's entirely possible I've dedicated too much thought to this trilogy.
Not possible. It's Cassie Claire after all, not gonna lie I stan her so hard. Mostly for the VSD but her HP fanfic isn't bad. Aside from the fact that she plagiarizes up the wazoo, obviously.

Link me please! Kaylee thanks you for your time.


hamsterwoman September 4 2010, 04:15:54 UTC

(you may have seen this before -- it was one of the winners of something -- an ARC contest? -- she ran on her LJ, but it's catchy and fun even on a repeat :)

The VSDs were my introduction to Cassie Claire, and I still love them best. (And I totally gave B a "Stupid Ring. Stupid quest. Stupid Fellowship." mug for his birthday lo! these many years ago.) I also read all of the Draco Trilogy, and enjoyed at least the first 2/3 of it, bits snerched from Blackadder and all.


lookfar September 4 2010, 02:18:39 UTC
Just sayin', 'cause I love to be in the know - you know about the Cassandra Clare plagiarism kerfuffle, right?


hamsterwoman September 4 2010, 04:12:56 UTC
I am, and while I obviously don't think it was a good thing she plagiarized in her fic, I feel like there's a subset of folks on LJ (not you, obviously! but there's an oddly dedicated contingent on fandomsecrets) that try to make it seem like (or sometimes outright claims) that she plagiarized in her published work, which is not true.

But I do love to be in the know, so thanks for mentioning it :)


umihebizanomiko September 5 2010, 02:06:14 UTC
Corambis is shiny. Eventually. It's kind of gut-wrenching for a bit, but then It Gets Better. Remember that detail about Felix's witchlights--if you spot where it then goes in the last book, it's actually kind of adorable.


hamsterwoman September 5 2010, 04:59:58 UTC
Oh good! I am very much ready for It Gets Better! And thanks for the tip on the witchlights :)


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