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Comments 15

nutmeg3 July 10 2010, 00:16:41 UTC
Totally unrelated, have you seen the new Kia hamster commercial? It has a rap soundtrack, and hamsters driving toasters and clothes dryers and things. I just saw it tonight for the first time.


hamsterwoman July 10 2010, 04:30:37 UTC
I hadn't, but I googled it just now, and, hee! The soundtrack's not really my thing, I have to admit, but the hamsters are still very cute, and I especially like the one riding in the clothes dryer -- it's expression was hilarious and adorable!


nutmeg3 July 10 2010, 04:37:29 UTC
The soundtrack's not my thing, either, but the visuals make up for it. The animators really do get across wonderful facial expressions. I was particularly taken with the dryer one, too, though as a vehicle, the rolling toaster was my favorite.


hamsterwoman July 10 2010, 17:58:19 UTC
but the visuals make up for it

They do! :D And I agree, the toaster was my favorite conveyance, too.


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Re: Part 1 hamsterwoman July 10 2010, 04:09:41 UTC
Martin and Susan were always the boring characters for me. Whenever they showed up, I was always looking forward to them leaving.

Haha -- same! And, well, at least Martin was intentionally boring. But Susan kept having ~soulful gazes~ and ~meaningful conversations~ with Harry, and, just, no thanks.

I would have liked it more if Maggie turned out to be a ploy constructed by the Red Court. I just didn't like Maggie that much. In the few scenes she was in, she didn't make an impression on me. She just basically sat there and cried, cried, cried.I was hoping she was going to be a ploy, too, but at least I'm glad she probably will not play a role for a while. I didn't dislike her, but I agree she didn't make much of an impression. Which, a little kid would likely be terrified/crying/almost catatonic in these circumstances -- but she certainly didn't feel like a character in this book, just a prop/angst magnet/button for Harry. Hopefully she'll be more interesting whenever we do see her next time. Definitely potential for interesting ( ... )


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Re: Part 2 hamsterwoman July 10 2010, 04:27:05 UTC
I'm surprised he still gave Amoracchius to Susan even though the gunman identified her (by looking at her picture) that she's the one who ordered him to shoot Harry. That part wasn't explained.I think he may have been thinking (and that may be what's supposed to be true?) that the woman who looked like Susan was actually Esmeralda, becuase of the info Martin revealed that the older vampires can assume different flesh masks and stuff. It's not clear why she would go to the trouble of hiring Stevie D in disguise... but it also doesn't make sense for Susan to try to kill him. So, yeah, I guess that's just a loose end, tossed in for added complication ( ... )


Re: Part 2 firebluespinel July 10 2010, 14:18:55 UTC
ZOMG Barristan and the Blackstaff would be SO AWESOME! And maybe Simon Illyan and Havelock Vetinari could stop by at some point, too. *dies*

Also, I completely agree with the earlier comment about there not being nearly enough Ramirez and Butters. They are two of my favorite characters, and I hope we will see a lot more of them. Same with Ivy. I heart her.


Re: Part 2 hamsterwoman July 10 2010, 18:31:55 UTC
ZOMG Barristan and the Blackstaff would be SO AWESOME! And maybe Simon Illyan and Havelock Vetinari could stop by at some point, too. *dies*

Ahaha, I think the world would implode from such a concentration of awesome!

Butters is usually a cameo role at most, so while I would've loved to see more of him, I was pretty happy with what we got -- peril, and great lines, and POLKA WILL NEVER DIE! Ramirez, though, I really don't get it. It feels almost like a loose end to me -- in the letter from "Steed" it's implied (I think?) that Carlos is the only one of the younger Wardens on the loose. I get the feeling that Butcher was setting it up for a rendezvous with him but ran out of time / decided to cut it because the plot was already so convoluted. So, yeah, I kind of really wonder about that...


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Re: last part! hamsterwoman July 10 2010, 04:27:20 UTC

I think "Aftermath" is supposed to be from Murphy's point of view? Which I guess could mean Harry's still dead -- I don't think Butcher would really "bring him back" in a short story. But, intriguing!

I mean, the titles of the first 11 books all followed the same pattern. Book 12 deviated. And now, book 13 brought the trend back.

I noticed that, too! I was kind of hoping that would the case -- I like the trend.

I also want to see if 'dying' meant an instant resignation from his post as Winter Knight. I'm so excited for the next book already. =pI kind of hope not. Not that I want Harry to be shackled to Mab, but after how long he agonized over the choice and how he came to terms with it... it would feel like a cheat if he got away with not serving as Winter Knight at all. I guess if the consequences for him (from Mab, or from "dying") were dire enough, I could be OK with it, but I do kind of feel like he's made his bed and now needs to lie in it at least for a bit, otherwise all that build-up in Changes was for nothing ( ... )


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Re: last part! hamsterwoman July 10 2010, 18:04:45 UTC
I was trying to remember where I got that "Aftermath" will be from Murphy's POV -- here apparently. And, same, that makes me even more excited to read it. Although I sure hope he doesn't screw up Murphy's POV. She is an awesome character, but if I'm not mistaken that would be Butcher's first time writing a female POV? And some of the tacks he takes with female characterization I'm not too crazy about. But I'm still excited!


Pun not intended? ;) But, yeah, I'd like to see the Winter Knight thing play out kind of like Hellfire and Lash did -- not something Harry just shrugs off, but rather something he has to learn to live under and assimilate as a tool and stuff.


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