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Re: last part! hamsterwoman July 10 2010, 04:27:20 UTC

I think "Aftermath" is supposed to be from Murphy's point of view? Which I guess could mean Harry's still dead -- I don't think Butcher would really "bring him back" in a short story. But, intriguing!

I mean, the titles of the first 11 books all followed the same pattern. Book 12 deviated. And now, book 13 brought the trend back.

I noticed that, too! I was kind of hoping that would the case -- I like the trend.

I also want to see if 'dying' meant an instant resignation from his post as Winter Knight. I'm so excited for the next book already. =p

I kind of hope not. Not that I want Harry to be shackled to Mab, but after how long he agonized over the choice and how he came to terms with it... it would feel like a cheat if he got away with not serving as Winter Knight at all. I guess if the consequences for him (from Mab, or from "dying") were dire enough, I could be OK with it, but I do kind of feel like he's made his bed and now needs to lie in it at least for a bit, otherwise all that build-up in Changes was for nothing.

Interesting theory with Kincaid as the shooter! There was that seemingly offhanded reference, the one time Kincaid featured, that he'd told Harry how he would kill him, which was kind of random unless it was foreshadowing something (or, I guess, a red herring could work, too). I'm assuming Kincaid would only do so on Ivy's orders, and I don't know if Ivy would suddenly be able to interfere to such a degree, or could choose to. Interesting questions and interesting theory at any rate!

James Bond reference -- at one point Murphy says something about someone being like a movie villain, "No, Mr Dresden, I expect you to die."


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Re: last part! hamsterwoman July 10 2010, 18:04:45 UTC
I was trying to remember where I got that "Aftermath" will be from Murphy's POV -- here apparently. And, same, that makes me even more excited to read it. Although I sure hope he doesn't screw up Murphy's POV. She is an awesome character, but if I'm not mistaken that would be Butcher's first time writing a female POV? And some of the tacks he takes with female characterization I'm not too crazy about. But I'm still excited!


Pun not intended? ;) But, yeah, I'd like to see the Winter Knight thing play out kind of like Hellfire and Lash did -- not something Harry just shrugs off, but rather something he has to learn to live under and assimilate as a tool and stuff.


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Re: last part! hamsterwoman July 11 2010, 17:48:47 UTC
It's true, he has improved considerably as a writer, which makes me a bit more optimistic. I hadn't been even thinking about Codex Alera, but now that you bring it up, hm... There's one female character that I really like, but IIRC we never get her POV. The two women whose POV we do get (it's third person, but still in their heads) are... yeah, I don't like them very much. In one case, I think it's just that I dislike the character, so I'm maybe not objective, but in the other case I think there's a fair bit of not very good writing going on. Although mostly that was towards the beginningofthe series, too, so... Anyway, I love Murphy so far, and I'm going to be hopeful that getting her POV is going to make that better, not worse. :)


Re: last part! firebluespinel July 10 2010, 14:35:54 UTC
I agree, that's an awesome observation about the book titles.

Even without playing the no-interference card, I have a hard time thinking Ivy would order Harry shot. Going back to something you said a while ago, Anna, about how Harry makes his family out of those around him: Harry NAMED Ivy, and names are powerful (recall "My name is Harry Blackstone Dresden" from Storm Front). I can't imagine her turning against the one person who actually gave her something close to an identity. Plus, Butcher has gone to a certain extent to portray Ivy as a little girl as well as the Archive, and I feel like her ordering Harry killed would run counter to that portrayal. I could maybe see Kincaid being the shooter, but only as a rogue.

Now where would I go to read "Aftermath?" I hadn't heard of it till just now.


Re: last part! hamsterwoman July 10 2010, 18:13:52 UTC
"Aftermath" will be in Side Jobs, the short story anthology (some info here if you scroll down a bit). Apparently out around Thanksgiving, whee!

I think the "Kincaid did it" thinking is more along the lines of it being to help Harry retire from the Winter Knight job, so, as a favor. But I do agree that would be kind of cold of Ivy to order that, and I don't know that I could see her doing that even if she could. And I don't see Kincaid going rogue to do it, either as a favor or for another reason.

I could see maybe one of Odin's einherjar's (or Miss Gard) being ordered to do it (as a favor). Other folks have suggested Uriel, as the instigator if not the actual shooter. Definitely eager to find out who did it.


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