Reading roundup

Sep 11, 2008 16:59

50. Lois McMaster Bujold, The Vor Game -- it's been 5 or 6 years since I've read a Miles book, and dammit, I've missed the crazy little guy. ( A little spoilery )

ya, percy jackson, a: barbara hambly, a: rick riordan, hambly, a: lois mcmaster bujold, reading, a: connie willis, vorkosigan

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Comments 6

aome September 12 2008, 01:03:01 UTC
You'll never see Mt Tam the same way again. ;) I forgot already about Helio's bad haiku - definitely great.

Annabeth's persistence in wanting to rescue Luke grates on me - I understand they have a past and she's all hung up on him, but - if he's consorting with the Ultimate Evil, AND she kind of has a thing for Percy by now, it's kind of time to face reality, isn't it? :P


hamsterwoman September 12 2008, 01:13:04 UTC
We're thinking of going hiking on Mt Tam at some point soon. I'll definitely keep my eye out for the dragon :)

I'm not sure I'm reading it right, but Annabeth's persistence in wanting to rescue Luke doesn't seem to me like a romantic crush thing anymore. I get the sense that (like Hermes) she still cares about the person he was back then, but not like she wants him back to be her boyfriend or anything. I think -- and I forget if she actually says it, or Percy thinks it, or the text hints at it, or what -- it's part of her whole fatal flaw = hubris thing, where she thinks she can be the one to "save" him when everybody else has given him up as irredeemably evil.

I kind of want her to succeed, because I liked Luke, and am sort of hoping he will at least get Pettigrew treatment before he dies a hopefully-somewhat-redeeming death, if not being welcomed back to the fold.


etrangere September 12 2008, 12:40:17 UTC
♥ your reviews!

dammit, I've missed the crazy little guy
Hehe, yeah, I also just clicks with Miles' inner narrative. His disregard for authority especially XD I think he's on the short list of characters I sorta identify with.

if I had a Vorkosiverse slash pairing, it would be Miles/Gregor
lol that's a pairing I really can't see - it seems fairly popular in the fandom and you make a good case, but it feels so... incestuous to me. (I only like incest in Amber like families ^^)

by Tung fanboying Aral
I adore this part!!

I am amused by Ivan quite calmly musing about guys making passes at him: "'Mm,' said Ivan. 'I've run across one or two of that sort in the Service, but... they have ways of letting you know." You'd think he'd have gotten the hint from Byerly already, then...
ROFL! Good point.

I don't find any of Miles's romances terribly compelling
Yeah, me neither, and I think Elli's the worst. Not Elli as a character, of course, but Elli as a love interesting. Don't feel much chemistry in that couple.

And, remember how I was ( ... )


hamsterwoman September 12 2008, 16:55:17 UTC
I think he's on the short list of characters I sorta identify with.

That must be exhausting! XD

Yeah, Gregor/Miles does feel kind of incestuous now that you mention it, and not in the "utterly fucked up family" way of Amber or the Lannisters. Miles definitely seems to think of Gregor as his older brother, especially when he's a bit older. (I noticed it in Memory for the first time, though it didn't seem to be there in The Vor Game... I wonder if getting a younger brother has prompted Miles to reassess his view of Gregor as well, or if it's just coincidence or what.) I can't see the Gregor/Miles after Laisa comes on the scene... just a temporary young men thing maybe, which leaves them even closer when they're older ( ... )


etrangere September 12 2008, 17:15:34 UTC
That must be exhausting! XD
Well, yes.

just a temporary young men thing maybe, which leaves them even closer when they're older.
That doesn't sound impossible.

I think Miles needs the person he is in a relationship with to outrank him, for optimal chemistry.
Yeah, he definitely needs someone who doesn't... give in to his strength of personality, one way or another.
I adore Ekaterin. Well, I have a crush on her :) she definitely feels more real than a lot of Miles' love interest. Which is a big part of her appeal.
I think you're right on the Oedipal thing... and I think it's good that Eklaterin is strong but in an entirely different way from Cordelia. At the same time take Cordelia and Ekaterin, and it feels they are both somewhat related to Harriet Vanes, taking on different personnality trait.

You mean you repeat that when talking to yourself? ;)
... yes >_>;

I feel the need to go get me a Galeni icon. Possibly with that "Nobody appointed you god" quote...
You could ask curtana, she makes glorious quote icons and has made vorkosigan ( ... )


hamsterwoman September 12 2008, 17:34:01 UTC
she definitely feels more real than a lot of Miles' love interest. Which is a big part of her appeal.

Yes, I definitely agree with that. She is a lot more multi-dimensional. I think it helps that she has family (the aunt and uncle), and a past (first marriage and Nikki), and hobbies and interests that are entirely independent of Miles -- things that neither Elli nor Taura seemed to have. And she is very capable in her own right, but, as you said, so different from Cordelia that she doesn't pale by comparison.

I think that maybe I don't find Ekaterin as interesting partly *because* she is really pretty realistic. So many characters in Vorkosiverse are larger than life, for various reasons, starting with Miles (heh), and Cordelia and Aral and Illyan and Alys in her own inimitable way. But I have a feeling I would really like her as a person.

Dark secret: I have not read any Sayers, so while I know *of* Harriet Vane, I don't actually know anything about what she's like.

And, yep, curtana was definitely going to be my first stop. I think I ( ... )


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