Title: When The Walls Themselves Might Devour You
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Dean, Sam (Gen, Humor)
Rating: PG
Summary (2x11, "Playthings"): It wasn't The Shining, not yet, but who knew where it would lead?
Author's Notes: Happy Birthday,
dotfic! It's a little late, but I hope you like it all the same. :)
It sounded a lot less creepy on paper... )
Comments 21
Thanks for reading!
But there was also a lot of humor in that episode, too, so I hoped this little interlude would bring a mixture of both.
Poor short, bossy Dean... ;)
He thought the whole gay vibe was probably something Sam was doing instead, like making cow eyes at him: Dean, my shoe's untied, or My stomach hurts, Dean, or Dad's not home yet. When's dinner?
YEs, yes and YES!!! bwahahahahahah.
But all the little things are always Sam. Dean's not a jerk-- Sam's a bitch. Dean isn't bossy-- Sam's just needy. Ah, denial. ;)
Thanks for reading!
And I love this line: "What if that old wedding dress on the wall came to life and attacked him? Dean couldn't let something like that happen to his brother." Such a small detail but it did seem to bother him at the time. *smirk*
You know, even _I_ thought the wedding dress decor was kind of weird, and I've stayed in B&Bs where something like that might have come up. But it's still pretty strange, and throw it into a haunted hotel and... o_O That cannot be good.
You know a place is creepy when it's even starting to freak Dean out. ;)
Excellent job recreating the feel. And I'm still giggling about Dean's concerns about the old man. teehee
Thanks for reading! :D
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