SPN Slash Fiction: "Whiskey Won't Guard Your Secrets" (Sam/Dean, R)

Mar 19, 2010 19:22

Title: Whiskey Won't Guard Your Secrets
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Sam/Dean (Slash)
Rating: R
Summary (Season 5): Sam fought his feelings for years, until a larger battle slowly wore him down.
Author's Notes: A birthday gift for velvet_eyes, which took longer than expected. Hope it was worth the wait!
Also for my spn_25 table, this is "Slip."


Sam's faith in himself was slipping... )

spn_25, wincest, my_fic, sn_slash, birthday, spn_s5_fic

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Comments 45

*Sighs* loustat March 20 2010, 03:18:46 UTC
Now, this is the kind of story I've been waitin' for! I really do hope the boys find the strength within themselves to fight back and realize all they need to win the war is each other.

Thank you for sharin' this awesome story with us!<3


Re: *Sighs* halfshellvenus March 20 2010, 03:25:21 UTC
I really do hope the boys find the strength within themselves to fight back and realize all they need to win the war is each other.

Me too. Really, if they both refuse to bow to Lucifer and Michael (and they should), this war doesn't have to be theirs. And what's more... it might even fizzle out on its own without the 'perfect vessels' to actualize it.

I'm so glad you enjoyed this, and I hope canon chooses this path and not the Ultimate Showdown that it's been threatening all season long.


runedgirl March 20 2010, 04:06:25 UTC
I love the quiet inevitability of this, the way they just lean into it, giving in and over. And how it solidifies them, strengthens them against what's to come. Lovely :)


halfshellvenus March 20 2010, 04:31:07 UTC
Back when I thought this might fit the <1000 word limit for writers_choice, there was a secondary prompt of "Lines," because this story was all about the lines you try not to cross and which ones surprise you in the end.

The boys' current situations is SO bleak that finding more in what they have together (especially since it's all they have left) is like a rare gift. They have something to keep them going besides stubbornness- let's hope it's enough.


brigid_tanner March 20 2010, 04:24:48 UTC
YES!!! Boys united. In all possible ways. Love it :)


halfshellvenus March 20 2010, 04:35:09 UTC
That's what I tune in for, definitely! :D


locknkey March 20 2010, 06:27:20 UTC
I love how this happens, where the sex/love seems like such a small thing compared to everything hanging over them, yet it gives them something to fight for. I also really liked the mood of this - a kind of easy acceptance of what lies between them. Lovely!


halfshellvenus March 20 2010, 16:20:17 UTC
The mood is partly driven by the fact that being a little drunk cushions everything.

But god, yes-- compared to the doom they're constantly reminded of, what happens between them here is a small blessing instead of a disaster.


(The comment has been removed)

halfshellvenus March 20 2010, 16:21:32 UTC
You're welcome! I'd really hoped it would finish faster, but the longer stories (more than 100 words) really seem to come at a snail's pace these days.

Glad you enjoyed it, and many happy returns!


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