SPN Slash Drabble: "Fresh Canvas" (Sam/Dean, PG-13)

Jan 19, 2010 22:52

Title: Fresh Canvas
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Sam/Dean (Slash, Drabble)
Rating: PG-13
Summary (Early S4): Dean's body is new and perfect all the way through.
Author's Notes: A drabble-meme offering for scoopchick, who wanted Sam/Dean and "Tattoo."
Also for spn_drabble and "Tattoo."


Sam's fingers traced over Dean's skin... )

spn_s4_fic, wincest, my_fic, sn_slash, meme, drabbles

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Comments 21

trinipedia January 20 2010, 08:15:09 UTC
*chest clenches*

oh, sweetie.

this is so-god.



halfshellvenus January 20 2010, 23:56:43 UTC
Yay! I'm so glad you liked it!


scoopchick January 20 2010, 08:43:27 UTC
Oh, wow. This. Just wow. It turned out so, so good, OMG. Sweet and kinda heart clenchy and just. UNF. God, I've just lost the ability to talk, because I keep going back to read it again.

Thank you so much for this! Again, wow.


halfshellvenus January 20 2010, 23:58:34 UTC
Oh, I'm so happy to hear that. Tattoos aren't my thing at all, so I went to the canon tattoo that would have been removed in that S4 "rebirthing," but what a nice setup for Sam to acquaint himself with the new Dean. Not to mention that Castiel removed one "imperfection" too many.

So glad you liked how it turned out!


kimberlyfdr January 22 2010, 01:04:01 UTC
I do love the tattoo and it's a great drabble idea...but Cas didn't remove the protection tattoo :( You can see that Dean still has it when he lifts up his shirt in the ep.


halfshellvenus January 22 2010, 01:24:32 UTC
Ack! Killed by an unnoticed detail. *dies of mortification* :(


celtic_forest January 20 2010, 09:09:27 UTC
This is very sweet, and I love the title.


halfshellvenus January 21 2010, 00:02:32 UTC
Thank you! These little ficlets are taking me longer than I expected (haven't forgotten yours), but I'm slowly working my way through them. :)


gunznammo2 January 20 2010, 14:45:56 UTC
Yes! Dean is Sammy's fresh canvas. Loved this, hon. Thanks. :)


halfshellvenus January 21 2010, 00:03:22 UTC
:D Thank you!

Now that Dean's given him the marker, I'd be willing to bet Sam finds time for a little extra random doodling just to prolong the nakedness. Who wouldn't? :)


crimson_antics January 21 2010, 00:11:43 UTC
That just might be the first drabble I'm meming 'cause...it's so awww-inducing and cute...and I'm not even a Sam/Dean shipper, so you win :).


halfshellvenus January 21 2010, 00:21:22 UTC

I have to break out the happy-dance for this comment, on all counts!

Thank you. :)


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