Title: This Ain't No Red-Heart Romance
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Sam/Dean (Wincest)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The entire concept of Valentine's Day is loaded. As it happens, so is Dean…
Author's Notes: Set in Season 2. Written for the
spn_first_time Valentine's Day challenge. This came up as a comment offering for a totally different fandom, but then I
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Comments 74
This was awesome! Sweet and hot and melty, and absolutely perfect for valentines day :)
I thought you'd probably recognize that! I decided to go with Sam and Dean instead of John/Matt, because the Winchesters have been SO neglected in my porn lately. They keep wanting to detour through the angsty epic-fic instead, and it's really holding me up.
Sweet and hot and melty, and absolutely perfect for valentines day :)
Yayyyy! Thank you so much! \o/
The idea of those two things sounds conflicting, doesn't it? But somehow, with the Winchesters, that so often is just how they are. *thwaps Dean, who is usually responsible*
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So glad you liked it! *smish* :)
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