Title: Everything There is to Know
Pairing: Light Jack/Sawyer, smidgeon of Sawyer/Kate
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sawyer reads the file on Jack
Note: Sticks to canon up through "I Do" and then departs sharply, with Kate and Sawyer being recaptured. Thanks so much to
foxxcub and
zelda_zee for betaing! :)
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Comments 35
oh, you are so right with this whole fic
Just like with Kate, he never knows where he stands with Jack. Might as well be standing at the ocean’s edge, trying to stand still while the tide rolls out, as figure those two out. Even with all the answers, all their secrets spelled out in neat, black type, he can’t get a handle on either one of them.
they may think they are clever, but they only have observations, they have NO IDEA who they really are. that was magnificent sweetie. I just loved it.
Thanks for the kind words, hon! I agree, the Others really don't know them at all. (And damn, I was hoping that the captivity wouldn't drive them so far apart! Oh well, we clearly have different agendas than the writers!)
I love Sawyer's kind of slow realisation that what he's reading in the pages is worthless. I love that he still wins and the Others still lose, even in this situation. Because he knows Jack and he knows Kate, and I think that's something that the Others can never really have. He's spent time with them, he's seen the real them. Like ( ... )
I really loved the idea that a person is so much more than the facts of their life and that Sawyer knows them better than the Others do, even if he had little or no idea about their pasts.
It's so sad that he doesn't know how to accept someone feeling bad for him. He doesn't understand empathy. I don't mean that he can't feel empathy, I mean that he can't accept it from others. He's very developmentally stunted emotionally, I think.
*nods* I've always seen Sawyer that way. He just doesn't know how to handle getting close to someone -- especially if they know what happened to him. And he has to go and fall for a woman who's even more emotionally stunted and prone to run than he is. Poor guy. :-(
I'm so glad that they way they reacted to these revelations about other worked for you. I was worried that it was too subdued so it means a lot to hear that it played out in a way that rang true.
But then the concern that Jack feels for him, that that's the only real time he comes out of himself, ( ... )
*loves you*
*sniffles and wants them together ASAP*
“Good to see you,” he says finally, surprised by how fucking sincere he sounds.
I'm joining the chorus of people who want a sequel.
And damn, I'm both anxiously awaiting and dreading their real reunion on the show. I know it's not going to go anything like this.
Sequel, eh? :) We'll have to see, hon, but thank you so much for the kind words!
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