Title: Rosemary for Remembrance by Gehayi Fandom: Hamlet Character: Ophelia Notes: A space!AU of Hamlet (please please don't let that put you off, it is an awesome reimagining of the story) in which Claudius is a woman, and Ophelia is the hero, while Hamlet is a dramatic but ultimately ineffective background character. Gen.
Heartily seconding this rec! One of the best Shakespeare AUs I've ever read.
Comments 1
Fandom: Hamlet
Character: Ophelia
Notes: A space!AU of Hamlet (please please don't let that put you off, it is an awesome reimagining of the story) in which Claudius is a woman, and Ophelia is the hero, while Hamlet is a dramatic but ultimately ineffective background character. Gen.
Heartily seconding this rec! One of the best Shakespeare AUs I've ever read.
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