The Vampire Diaries tv series is definitely the fandom I've been most involved with over the last year. (Note: "Involved" actually means "obsessed".) So here's a list of most of the female-centred fanworks I enjoyed from 2010. Basically everything I remembered to bookmark. Fifty-three in all: one fanmix, two picspams, seven videos, and fourty-three fics if I counted correctly. (I was originally going to pare it down, but then there were just so many! So if I like it, it's probably in here.)
"Lady-centric", for the purposes of this post, is not just limited to works that focus entirely on one or more female characters. It means that the female character gets a greater proportion of the focus/characterization (maybe a few that are 50/50), and isn't just there as a prop for some guy's emotions.
I Can't Sleep Until I Devour You by
pada_something (Katherine)
The Rule of Three by
tokenblkgirl (Bonnie, Sheila [Grams], Emily - three generations of witches. Season one.)
11 Reasons to Love Lexi by
pada_something (...yes, this is a picspam for a character who appeared in a single episode.)
Meddle by
bop_radar (Vicky)
Names by
thuviaptarth (Bonnie and the legacy of witches. First half of season one.)
Changes by
secretlytodream (Elena coming to terms with the existence of the supernatural - and that her boyfriend is a vampire.)
Superstar by
musing_11 (Katherine's continuing influence on the Stefan/Elena/Damon triangle - done back when we all we had was two flashback episodes, Katherine still maintains a strong presence throughout the vid.)
Don't Call Me Baby by
silviakundera (Female characters in general! Having agency!)
Come On by
halcyon_shift (Caroline/Elena/Bonnie. A look at their relationship.)
It's Getting Boring by the Sea (Katherine) by
twistdmentality Fanfiction Note on the order: I put the (distressingly few) femmeslash and multi-lady fic at the top. After that I grouped the fics by leading lady.
Anything but Normal (Elena/Vicki, PG, 1400 words) by
preromantics (pre-series)
You Are a Fast Explosion and I am the Embers (Anna/Katherine, PG-13, 2200 words) by
omfgsh (circa 1864)
One is the Loneliest Number (Caroline/Bonnie, R, 1500 words) by
trancer21 Jealousy's Never Been So Sexy (Elena/Caroline, NC-17, 1386 words) by
pada_something. Pre-series, I think.
On the Road (Bonnie, Caroline, Elena, 972 words) by
empressearwig Middle School by
theangelunknown (Caroline, Elena, Bonnie, first day of school)
Like the Burning End of a Midnight Cigarette (Anna-centric, Katherine, Anna/Jeremy, R, 3300 words) by
perfectlystill Teenage Cliches (Anna, Anna/Jeremy, PG-13) by
lint138 Leave Me For Dead (Anna/Damon, NC-17, 1704 words) by
magicksecrets (pre-series, slight AU)
This Story's Missing a Wishing Well (Bonnie, PG, 620 words) by
madcap_shiny Uninvited (Bonnie/Stefan/Damon, NC-17, 4600 words) by
scorpiod1 Happiest Broken Heart (Bonnie, Stefan, Damon, PG-13, by
miniluv86 Wish You Away by
tokenblkgirl (Bonnie/Damon, NC-17, 1446 words; written halfway through season one)
The Night Descending by
tokenblkgirl (dark!Bonnie, Bonnie/Damon, R, 1072 words)
A Spinning Carousel by
tokenblkgirl (Bonnie, PG-13, 1435 words; post Sheila's death)
Hard to be a Saint in the City by
eatscissors(Bonnie/Damon, 70K)
See Us All As Lonely Fires (Bonnie, PG, 1400 words) by
omfgsh (Between 1.14 and 1.19)
The Charm is Utterly Broken (Bonnie/Damon, NC-17, 2500 words) by
vaingirlfic Where There is Smoke (Bonnie/Damon, R) by
etgoddess Ain't Nothin' But A Number (Bonnie/Jeremy, PG-13) by
anjali_organna Speak Low When You Speak (Bonnie/Jeremy, PG, 2350 words) by
summerstorm No Claim on You (Caroline, Caroline/Matt, PG-13, 6100 words) by
summerstorm Steady as it Goes (Caroline, Stefan, Damon future!fic, PG, 1155 words) by
silviakundera Caroline VS Batman (PG, 2000 words) by
impertinence Swim for Your Life [Lies for Your Lover] (Caroline/Stefan, PG-13, 764 words) by
crickets The Young Ones (Caroline, Stefan, 2319 words) by
fated_addiction Not Your Rosalie Hale (Caroline, PG) by
iphignia939 Impressions (Caroline, Stefan, PG, 700 words) by
otempora42 The Pros and Cons of Sparkling (Caroline, Stefan, 704 words) by
law_like_love The Forest Scares the Hell Out of Me (Caroline/Damon, R, 1070 words) by
stainofmylove (early season two?)
Happy Golden Days of Yore (Caroline/Matt, PG-13, 710 words) by
katayla There's Hope for the Hopeless (Caroline/Stefan-ish, G, 600 words) by
theangelunknown The Door Shut Shut (Caroline, Stefan, PG-13, 750 words) by
torigates The World is Ours for the Moment (Caroline, Caroline/Matt, Caroline/Tyler, PG, 1176 words) by
austen Cravings (Caroline, Damon, Stefan, PG-13, 1267 words) by
torigates Architects of Decay (Caroline, Stefan, PG, 2000 words) by
sexycereal I Wake Up Exhausted (Elena, PG, 1023 words) by
fangirlgonewild Pathetic Fallacy by
vega_ofthe_lyre. (Elena and Damon and Macbeth, PG, 1462 words)
Saved by Old Times (Katherine, PG-13, 1062 words) by
omfgsh (written between season one and two)
Constant Hunger (The Way it Stops and Starts) (Katherine, PG-13, 1832 words) by
lovestories (includes polaroids!)
don't forget that we were there (Isobel, Isobel/Alaric, PG, 1500 words) by
summerstorm We Stick Together/You've Got a Friend in Me (Lexi + Stefan, PG, 753 words) by
pada_something And Put Your Worries Aside (Vicky, Vicky/Jeremy, PG-13, 517 words) by