Nikita Picspam & Assorted Fics

Feb 13, 2011 23:10

 First off:

A picspam of the ladies of Nikita (2010 CW) and reasons you should watch it, all related to the female relationships and plotlines, on LJ and DW.

And I guess I might as well link to my female-centric fanfic and vids. :P


The Things We Say Are True, Sky High (2005), Penny/Gwen, femslash, 1200 words. A Yuletide fic.

How Do They Rise Up, Harry Potter, Hermione & Padma, gen, 3500 words. (Yes, I got English university horribly wrong. I have yet to get around to fixing that, but will some day.)

The Mary Blake Series, Twilight, Renesmee (eventually Renesmee/Leah), gen to femslash, 3600 words. This is the series of four stories in which I explored the character of Renesmee and how she could reclaim herself from a canon I thought didn't know what to do with her.

lovely in my sight, Narnia, Susan Pevensie, gen, 900 words. A Susan character study. Plus all my other Susan pieces, because I write her... a lot.

Whose Other Side Is Salvation, Narnia/Doctor Who, Susan Pevensie/The Doctor, Edmund Pevensie, het, 2500 words. Primarily Susan focused, as she journeys with the Doctor.

Here's A Girl From A Dangerous Town, Torchwood, Lucia Moretti, het, 1500 words. A woman who fell in love with Jack and then lived to a fairly natural age? She's got to be impressive.

no stamps required, Narnia/Supernatural, Susan Pevensie/Anna Milton, gen, 400 words. Anna and Susan, OTP of practicality and living through sorrow.

another path to carry her burdens, Supernatural, OFC, gen, 300 words. The dead angel in 4x16 had a vessel, and her vessel had a sister.


In Some Dreaming State, Narnia, Susan Pevensie. No more dreaming like a girl so in love with the wrong world. To "Blinding" by Florence and the Machine.

Wild Child, Doctor Who, Amy Pond. You don't need a reason, let the day go on and on. To "Wild Child" by Enya.

twilight, nikita (new), .fanfic, narnia, .vids, doctor who, .fandom primer & pimping, torchwood, supernatural, .picspam, harry potter

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