Title: By the Time I Get to Phoenix, Part Two: Crazy For You
Pairing: Jack/Sayid, suggestions of Jack/Sawyer
Rating: PG-13 for language and suggestions
Word Count: 3689 this part
Beta: My good friend
gregoria44, who makes such simple but effective suggestions. Thanks, love!
Disclaimer: I don't own Lost, nor do I make any money from my wild imaginings
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Comments 11
And it's not possible to make a silk purse out of a cow's ear, so job's a good 'un!!
And I have to say that I love that Sawyer knew where he was going before, and left a clue. Kind of like he didn't want to leave in the first place, and wanted Sayid to come after him.
Lovely chapter, m'dear!! Can't wait for more!!
Yeah, the clue was kinda last minute, I think - it inspired him where to go more than it was purposeful, but who knows what his subconscious was doing? *wink*
Thanks, love! ;-)
I'm looking forward to more!
Thanks for reading! I hope to have another chapter up in a week or two. Sorry it's slow, but it's better than not happening! ;-)
Poor Sawyer! It looks like Jack and Sayid have their work cut out for them. I'm excited for the next part! Thank you so much for writing and sharing.
[answered there]
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