Title: Restart
Pairing: Yamajima, Okajima, (Okachii and Yamachii if you squint hard enough)
springdrop Rating: PG-15?
Warnings: Angst. Romance. And Chinen (Yes, it’s a warning).
Wordcount: 7589.
Disclaimer: I wish.
Summary: Something happens between Yuuto and Yamada that threatens their friendship. Ryosuke begins to avoid Yuuto. But Yuuto doesn’t want to
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Comments 7
but--gaaah, it brings my emotion :')
love it love it :)
am i expecting okachii in the end?! LOl~ i love it^^ thanks for an awesome fic:))
Thanks for reading! :)
Thank you for writing such a nice Fic! ^^ Can't help smiling at the end. Hope OkaChii will end up together too. ♥
I'm sure they will. :D
It's so sweet but it hurts. D: Yuri and Keito sad is... painful.
But YamaJima is just too perfect.
Smiling but my heart hurts for the both of them.
Actually.. I don't mind OkaChii. ^^
<3 It's a lovely fic~~
Thank you for writing it!
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