Yuletide reveal! YAY

Jan 01, 2007 12:04

First of all -- OMG THANK YOU!!! pun and Pieces of Alice for my fantabulous stories!! WHEEE.


And now, my stories. I wrote two, in two separate fandoms which I never in a million, gazillion years would have ever ever considered to write in.

First, the pinch hit:

The Cooler King
The Great Escape
for lakester

This story for lakester (waves!) was a lot of fun, and I'm really glad, nay thrilled, I did it, and it ended up being a very satisfying writing and yuletide experience, more typical than my original assignment. It was pinch hit that came about at the very end and wasn't immediately snatched up and after a few moments of soul searching *g* I told elynross I'd take it since no one else seemed to and that's how much I love elyn and yuletide. I had read the book, loved the movie and figured, I could do this. Bought the movie the next day, meditated over it for a night, wrote the next 2 or 3 days, uploaded with some time to spare on the 23rd. I actually like the story a lot, have (as happens with Yuletide, darn corrupter of innocence! *g*) become extremely fond of Hilts and Hendley and all the brave, wonderful men in this film and this story.

And now for wacky wild Yuletide hi-jinks extraordinaire:

I was gonna do this in a locked post, but then I figured, what the hell, she'll never see it, and even if she does, I don't think it really matters now. The recipient defaulted and is banned and I have very little sympathy, and as far as I can tell, she's no where around on LJ or fandom, or anything.

To properly explain things, you all must read the original request. I want you all to imagine my alarm when I got this:

Request 1: Calvin and Hobbes (Calvin/Susie Derkins)
Details: There teens and one had moved away but now they are back and they fall
in love. Romance


Request 2: Disney Princesses (Any)
Details: anything that isn't so perfect and goody2shoes somthing unexpected
happens. Romance Drama "pls if u can put vampires in one"


Request 3: Dracula the Series (Any)
Details: vamp falls for non vamp


Request 4: Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice (Elizabeth Bennett/Fitzwilliam
Details: SOMTHING SCANDOLES happens to their daughter "she falls for someone
benethe her." / romance/alot of kissing with decripsions of the kiss


Yes. I felt the same way. O_O

I was matched for Pride & Prejudice and, for a while, I thought, well, okay, once the shock had worn off. But, honestly, I shouldn't have offered to write P&P. When you take away the horrid grammar, her request wasn't totally outrageous, but I kinda balked. I would have done it if I'd had no other choice, but I had choices!

So, instead I turned to Disney Princesses. I figured, this might be a bit wacky but kinda fun. Vampires and Disney!! No problem! (and I briefly entertained the possibility of a P&P/Disney crossover with D and E's daughter being seduced by said Disney Vampire -- figured that was SCANDOLES enough!) I toyed with this notion for a while, watched some Disney Princessess stuff (and whoo boy, the Disney Princessess volumes, not the movies themselves, are SO BORING I contemplated death by *headdesk*, I swear).

Somewhere around here I started to get slightly bitter because I knew this chick was totally gonna default.

I meditated on this totally bizarre crossover idea for a while. I watched some Disney movies. Even melina123 made a copy of Sleeping Beauty for me. I looked at the recipients other requests and asked around if people had ever heard of this Dracula: The Series thing. I'd never heard of it. No one I asked at that moment had ever heard of it. I thought, well, leave it to this person to request the most obscure tv show ever. On a whim, I checked Netflix and lo and behold! They carried it! So, on another whim, I had it sent to me.

What can I say about Dracula: The Series. astolat described it as Forever Knight meets Batman the TV show. She also said trying to describe it is like trying to describe Pop Rocks to someone. HEEEEEE. It's the Pop Rocks of TV shows! It's wacky, campy, occasionally painfully bad, but then strangely *almost* brilliant. It stumbles over it's brilliance. It's Canadian. It's from the early 90s (so imagine the appropriate hairstyles and horrid clothing choices, times 10). It has one of the most entertaining and, well, pretty, versions of Dracula I have ever seen. It makes me laugh so hard I can't breathe. It's strangely addicting! And once you start, you're not sure why you keep watching, but then, you can't stop! You just keep going! And then, before you know it, you're under Alexander Lucard's (that's Dracula. Get it? GET IT?) mysterious spell.

Imagine my delight to learn I had a co-partner in insanity when astolat turned out to be a fan of the show. Which, *of course* she is. OF COURSE. :D :D So, I had someone to beta it who knew how wacky and crazy the show was and someone to watch it with me over chat and someone to make glee noises with each time Lucard spun on his well heeled feet (which is often. he likes to spin. like a ballerina with a cape. I'm not kidding.).

So, that's how I ended up writing Nocturne, my little Dracula love story. And, at the end of it all, I can't even bring myself to care that the recipient defaulted. Bwhhahaha.

To quote Lucard, "Well, knock me down with a feather!"

And that is how Yuletide corrupted my brain, yet AGAIN.

writing, the great escape, fic, yuletide, dracula: the series

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