One very big Yuletide rec post (finally!)

Jan 02, 2007 15:02

These are the stories I really liked and admired for Yuletide 2006. I wanted to do this before the reveal, but it's not like after the reveal any of it changes, so I don't think it really matters! *g*

The Sleep of Reason, 28 Days Later -- CREEPY OMG (and I'm not at all surprised DevilChild wrote it!).

Cleopatra's Needle, The Addams Family -- This made me want to watch the films again, and also made me sad for missing Raul Julia. Sigh.

The Bridal Path, The Addams Family -- Also charming, and about Wednesday and Joel this time.

The Seventh Wave, Aeon Flux (movie) -- I think I may be one of, like, 10, people who watched and loved this film. Interesting little moody piece.

Dies Irae, Amadeus -- I rather liked how accurately Salieri's voice is for this.

The Unexpected Affair of the Injured Detective, Sherlock Holmes -- I loved Sherlock Holmes as a child, but it's been ages since I've read any and certainly have not read much of the fan fiction, but I really liked this and was glad I read it.

Pride Goeth Before, Blade Runner -- I loved this. Roy Batty's POV set pre-movie.

Teenage Wildlife, The Breakfast Club -- One of the great things about Yuletide is discovering how much we all wanted Breakfast Club fic! This is mostly Bender and Brian. I love it.

The Practice of Art, The Breakfast Club -- Centering around Andrew and Allison.

Optimist, The Breakfast Club -- Another Brian centric fic! Yay.

Tom Thumb: The True Story, The Brother's Grimm -- I really liked this movie a lot. It kind of came and went, sadly. Charming little story.

Colorado, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid -- EEEE! Loved it. Love this film. Love these guys. Threesome! Yay.

Hanging in the Balance, Constantine -- I didn't know how badly I wanted this until I read it. I believable story about John and Angela finding each other again.

A Regular Song and Dance, Constantine -- The summary is "Three meetings of some consequence.". I particularly enjoyed the encounter with Gabriel.

Acceptance, Constantine -- I would have loved this story if only for having (even a brief) cameo by Balthazar, but even aside from that, I enjoyed it *g*. A look at the John and Chas relationship.

a Jianghu Fairytale -- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon -- Oh, I'm sad all over again! But, the story still manages to end uplifting. Lovely.

The Ears to Hear, Cynthia Voight's Tillerman Series -- It's been ages since I've read these books, but they were rather formative for me. This is a lovely little moody piece centering around Maybeth.

Doorway Out Of Innocence, Dead Poet's Society -- Aww, boy's boarding school sexual explorations! Very nice, even if anything for this movie makes me sad.

Hearthstone, Dead Zone (tv) -- OMG I loved this! A whole lot! Especially Walt, omg, I *want* him. eeeeee. *loves*

What It Seems, Dead Zone (tv) -- More Walt! *g* And Johnny. This is an AU. Everyone should read it. wwheeeeee.

Ceasing, Donna Tartt - The Secret History -- Very interesting. I quite liked it, even for it perhaps being a tad difficult to read. Rather fits the whole feel of the book, though. And man, that book still disturbs me. LOL.

Really Wild Things -- Douglas Adams - Hichhiker's Guide to the Galaxy -- A story about Trillian! What a concept. I loved all the Hitchhikers' stories this year, but I think this might be my favorite -- simple and light, and sweetly moving.

One of These Days -- Douglas Adams - Hichhiker's Guide to the Galaxy -- This is one of the few stories in Yuletide that made me laugh out loud. Bizarre! But oddly charming.

I'm just going to go ahead and recommend all of the Fridy Night Lights stories, because I loved them all, but especially the two Tim/Jason stories -- I can no more cross this room than Zeno's arrow -- haunting little Jason POV story OMG I LOVE THEM SO MUCH EEEEE!!!, and also Texas Forever -- eeee HUGS TIM A LOT. But the other stories are all wonderful too, although I've discovered that even though I adore Matt and Julie to little bits, I am so not ready to read about them having exploratory sexual dealings, eeee. They're *children!!*. Also a lovely, bittersweet Tara story called 20 West Go read! (Um, can you tell I love this show? heeee)

In the House of Dust, Gilgamesh -- I was sad last year when no one requested Gilgamesh and there were none written. But, new story this year! Very nice.

Okay, not one, not two, BUT THREE. *Three* Gosford Park stories this year!!! I am totally and completely dumbfounded. AND! Not only that, but they're all about Mary and Robert!! *DIES*:

Of Letters- Gosford Park -- The story that was written for ME!!! All for meeeeeeee! Wheee. Mary POV, post movie. *loves*

Mr. Stockbridge Doesn't Live Here Anymore, Gosford Park -- A more unusual story. Parks POV - strange and moving. I love it.

Almost Home, Gosford Park - Post movie encounter between Mary and Robert, and omg, I love it, but I want to *push* her (Mary). Do it! Go! eeeeee!

Buy You a Looking Glass, Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird -- Very nice post movie story, set after Boo has passed away. Written from Scout's and Boo's POV.

Indiana Jones and the Chinatown Ghosts, Indiana Jones -- Wow. A look at a slightly bitter Indy meeting some personal ghosts in Chinatown, NY. Very nice. Uses the entire canon, not just the films.

Sketches from Kellynch, Jane Austen -Persuasion -- Aww, nice. Short but manages to glimpse almost the entirely of Anne and Frederick's relationship.

To Everything, Turn, Turn, Jane Austen - Persuasion -- Another lovely vignette, showing a bit of life aboard ship for Anne and Frederick.

Improper Indulgence Jane Austen - Pride & Prejudice -- A rarely seen Darcy POV from after the first marriage proposal.

The End of the Honeymoon, Jane Austen - Pride & Prejudice -- Oh, just wonderful and lovely. A bit of marriage life for Elizabeth and Darcy that just makes me love them even more. Beautiful.

Once Upon a Midnight Dreary, Jane Austen - Pride & Prejudice -- Darcy/Bingley and done in a way that I can handle. *g* I normally can't read this pairing comfortably, but I liked this story quite a bit.

Athena, In Blue, King Arthur -- Wow, a pairing I never would have gone for if I hadn't read it in this story. Guinevere/Tristan, but only just. Written with a light hand and lovely, moving vingettes. I forgot how much I adore Tristan.

Ante Bellum, King Arthur -- shalott's notes on writing this this crack me up. Lovely, hot, and yay for Arthur and Lancelot!

I'm also recommending all of the Kiss Kiss Bang Bang stories. I loved them all. I was so happy to see so many. I took KKBB off my requests last minute to ask for Eyes (which no one wrote in, but I had to try) and I'm just so so happy to see that it got written anyway and written *well*. My favorite of them all (although, they're *all* worth reading if you've seen the film) is Noir Enough. YAY for Gay Perry and Harry!!!

The First Snow of the Season, Little House in the Prairie books -- Well, goodness me! These books were incredibly important to me as a child. I must reread them now. This is a look at Charles and Caroline before the birth of Mary.

Bringing Home the Wheat Seed, Little House in the Prairie books -- Again, I'm stunned. A missing scene from The Long Winter (I think... It has been a while) between Almonzo and Cal Gardner! OMG, the memories.

Talk of the Town, Anne of Green Gables -- OH YAY. I love the Anne/Gilbert! eeee.

a (most dreadfully) involuntary sin, Anne of Green Gables -- Wow, this is so perfectly Diana I'm totally floored. Five lovely little moments out of Diana's life where she was *almost* jealous of Anne. I love it, especially the last one.

To Make Much of time, Anne of Green Gables -- And another. A scene from the friendship of Anne and Diana. sigh.

Code 69, Men in Black -- *CHOKE* Um, I think I may be predisposed to love anything connected to Tommy Lee Jones, but this was also just FUNNY and silly and a total blast.

Warrior's Work, Naomi Novik -Temeraire books -- Um, I betaed this one, but I'm recommending it anyway, and that's one nice thing about waiting till after the reveal to post recs. heh. It's Jane Roland and gen. How did Jane get that scar anyway?

Afternoon's Liberty, Naomi Novik - Temeraire books -- Another Jane piece, this one also featuring Emily. Lovely.

Coming Up From Behind, Ocean's 11 -- I'm also predisposed to love anything Ocean's 11. I really wanted O11 as my assignment this year, but that didn't happen. This story is interesting, more complex look at Danny/Rusty/(Tess). Not at all a threesome, but definitely triangular.

Out of the Chicago Loop, Ocean's 11 -- eeee YAY. Caper-esque fic. Funny, spot on voices, and it even has reveals like in the films! Excellent!

All These Things that I've Done, Ocean's 11 -- This one's pre-movie. How Danny and Rusty meet Basher! Fun and funny, and uh, hot *g*. :D :D

The Doom of Witch Madir, Patricia McKillip - Riddlemaster of Hed -- Oh, a Raederle story! A glimpse into her heritage.

The Worthy Seaman or The Lowly Slave of Duty, Pirates of Penzance -- OMG, I can hear Gilbert and Sullivan rolling in their graves. Brilliant!

Crumpled Pieces of Paper Found in the Wastebasket of Count Rugen, Princess Bride -- Despite the fact that I can't really see Count Rugen in love with anyone, this was very funny.

Waiting for Buttercup, Princess Bride -- Oh, spot on Count Rugen voice. I loved it, even though I felt slightly ill after reading. LOL.

Across No-Man's Land, Queen of Swords -- Holy smokes, I'd practically totally forgot all about this show. A scene between Colonel Montoya and Dr. Helm with just the right amount of sniping between them.

Introductions, QAF UK -- Awwww, wee!Stuart and Vince! All of the QAF UK stories are worth a read. These were my three favorites.

Nascent, QAF UK -- Very odd story, but I loved it. All of it, in it's beautiful Vince/Stuart oddness.

Area 51, QAF UK -- Ahahahahahha! Yes, and I don't even watch Dr. Who. LOL.

Higher Mathematics, Real Genius -- Another oddity of Yuletide is discovering how much I always wanted Real Genius stories and never new it. Mitch/Jordan with a hint of Mitch/Chris and Mitch/Chris/Jordan. And all that in 10k. Nice.

My Holiday Musical, Scrubs -- Wow. I don't watch Scrubs at all regularly, but this was great and funny, and so perfectly in tune with the show!

Horatio on the Dignity of Man, Shakespeare - Hamlet -- Oh, ohoh. Horatio is so my Shakespearean boyfriend. I just want to hug him until it's all better. Lovely.

Five Things Maggie Simpson Never Said, The Simpsons -- This manages to be both perfectly in tune with the show and also break out of it at the same time. Strangely poignant.

No Less Beautiful, Stage Beauty -- This movie kind of came and went, which is a shame. If anyone out there saw it, I recommend this story; aching and beautiful at the same time. Kynaston learning to move past his relationship with the Duke.

The Importance of Bearing Cocoa, The Tick -- HEEEEE. Omg, so cute. Arthur struggles a bit with sidekickdom, but then the Tick comes and there is cocoa.

More Like Dancing, Velvet Goldmine -- YES! A Curt/Arthur story. This is totally the pairing of my heart for this film, and this story goes there so perfectly. Makes me wildly happy. YES.

See No Evil, The Village -- I loved this film and was very happy to see a story for it. Ivy POV, lyrical like she is.

Dread of Desolation, Wiseguy -- MY STORY! Written for me!! OMG I got a Roger/Vinnie story. This.. makes me incredibly happy. I'm having a dire need to rewatch the Profitt arc. Vinnie POV, shades of Sonny, Roger being Roger. I love it. :D

A Heaven in Hell's Despair, Wiseguy -- DUDE. I'm speechless about this story. It's... a work of genius. OMG. Sonny! (and I don't have to SOB!!) Vinnie! Together. *pant pant*


Lordy, that took all day.

yuletide, fic recs

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