Three birds, one stone.

Feb 10, 2010 17:40

I know a lot of people are suffering to no end because of the inclement weather and for that I am sorry. I know people are probably stranded with cabin fever, maybe even without power (in which case, um, damn, son). But as bad as that is the people of Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation have been without power or water or heat for nearly two weeks. ( Read more... )

do unto others, music

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Comments 105

thelxiepia February 10 2010, 22:44:31 UTC
Hello! I am here for the fic; mostly heroes, but now gen kill as I've just started getting into that. :) My name's Bethan, btw. :)


hackthis February 11 2010, 01:34:29 UTC
Hi Bethan! *waves*

(Yay for GK!)


zippitgood February 10 2010, 22:54:55 UTC
Hi! I found you through your awesome GK fics. The AUs in this fandom are beyond words in how good they are.


hackthis February 11 2010, 01:34:58 UTC
Hi! *waves*


spacehussy February 10 2010, 23:25:46 UTC
*sends the Sioux Nation money* WTFFFFFF how have I not heard of that sooner?? Thank you :(

re: reviews -- I've never understood that either. I'd rather just employ my backpage button. I don't mind if someone leaves a comment that is partially positive/partially crit, but an openly "I hated this story" comment, uh, okay? Thanks for your time? You don't get a refund just because you didn't like it.

*shakes head*


hackthis February 11 2010, 01:37:09 UTC
The article I read said that the Sioux Nation mess has been overshadowed by Haiti and by the Snowpocalypse on the East Coast, which it, sadly, probably has.

As for reviews, if I read something I don't like, I hit my back button. There's nothing wrong with positive/partial crit, but there's a lot wrong with just being a dick just because you feel like the world needs to hear your dickishness (new word FTW!)


bunnymcfoo February 10 2010, 23:31:01 UTC
Seriously! I read this amazing fic this week where one of the first comments was essentially "This was good, but I disagree with every single part of your characterization and at least one of your major plot points. Also, I saw the ending coming a mile away and the bad guy was totally obvious."

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I really do think that fic is one of those areas where if you don't have anything nice (or at least constructive!) to say, don't say anything.

Also, I lurk. I used to just wander by occasionally, but I really like your fic and the music and the things you care about (see this post, for example) and vylit likes you, SO. :D


hackthis February 11 2010, 01:38:31 UTC
Seriously! I read this amazing fic this week where one of the first comments was essentially "This was good, but I disagree with every single part of your characterization and at least one of your major plot points. Also, I saw the ending coming a mile away and the bad guy was totally obvious."


(Yes, that is sadly all I can say about that that doesn't degenerate into insults and bad language). And yes, I whole-heartedly agree with the "If you don't have something nice (or positive) to say, STFU!"

And hai, too! *waves*


redjacket February 11 2010, 03:14:42 UTC
Hey! Fancy seeing you here lurking! I am also here lurking.


tikiaceae February 10 2010, 23:48:57 UTC
For your second thing... I think some people have this *uncontrollable* need to spread their negative energy or something. It's coded in their DNA. You have to pity them because you can't fight your genes, dude.


hackthis February 11 2010, 01:38:54 UTC
LOL! *high five*


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