[deep breath]

Nov 05, 2008 11:35

A little over two years ago I started writing a fictionalized series of press releases where George Clooney was President of the United States of America. Ari Gold was his Chief of Staff, Oprah (yes, that Oprah) was Secretary of State, Lewis Black was Secretary of Defense and Anderson Cooper was the First Gentleman.

George's Vice President was a senator from the state of Illinois by the name of Barack Obama.

And I wrote this series because, frankly, I figured the only place the United States of America would get its shit together would be in my Live Journal. I have a lot of things I can say about this country, I suppose it really is a tolerate-hate-sometimes-love thing. Over the two years I wrote those press releases, I had a lot of fun with some serious issues and some not so serious issues, but I ended the series in February with the election of the Obama/Colbert (yes, Stephen) ticket, so you can imagine my surprise last night when some of that actually came to pass.

There's a lot I could say about this historic election: thank you, about time, took long enough, thank God/Yaweh/Buddha/Allah/Chick Upstairs, but mostly I'm still in shock (and hungover), so to everyone who went out and voted their heart yesterday. Who stood in line with babies and iPods and books and iPhones in the heat, the cold and the rain, who needed to pee and held it or was dying to eat and waited just a little bit longer. To every person overseas who was like, "Jesus fuck, we are totally rooting for you,"


Because today my day was a little bit brighter, that hangover a little bit less glaring, that jaded sense just that little bit dulled, and I can start to have hope again. Start to have faith that mistakes can be corrected, that the right thing can be done, and it can start with that one person, and you and me and our new President Elect can be that one.

*And on a stupidly shallow note, if Rahm does decide to take that Chief of Staff job I will start referring to the White House as the House of Hotassery

ETA: MSNBC has just reported that Rahm Emanuel has accepted Barack's offer to be Chief of Staff and I will now be referring to the the White House as the House of Hotassery. For those who don't know, Rahm Emanuel is the brother of the real life Ari Gold, Ari Emanuel. Can I call this shit or what? What did they put in the Wheaties in that family?

I need a shirt that says 'Rahm Emanuel Groupie: Because Smarts are Hot'

ETA 2: Damnit! Now MSNBC is all "Our bad, he's still thinking on it!" What the hell, people?!

I WIN! I WIN! Rahn called Pelosi to tell her he'd accepted this morning (11/06/08)

barack the vote, rahm is greater than you

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