I'm bringing sexy back!

Nov 06, 2008 09:45

1. Rahm has accepted the Chief of Staff job. FINALLY. I win all the cookies. I know you lot don't quite understand my love of Rahm Emanuel, so I will sum it up like this: Clooney in 2008 is totally hitting the Capitol. Rahm is the older brother of the real life Ari Gold.

Imagine if Nathan Petrelli and Ari Gold had a baby, and you get Rahm. Seriously. HE IS SO MONEY. Best administration EVER already. Rahm is totally going to turn D.C. out.

ETA: For the soon-to-be-converted: 20 Facts about Rahm Emanuel from defamer_atom

2. Palin didn't know that Africa was a continent. I swear I didn't make that up. Courtesy of serialkarma

3. The Greatest Hits from the Campaign AKA, Here, now things are over, let us tell you all the gossip. Courtesy of Newsweek and kattiya

barack the vote, rahm is greater than you

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