Generation Kill - The Rebel & The Bourgeoisie (Brad/Nate, NC-17)

Nov 10, 2008 17:28

I continue to broadcast the Rahm Emanuel channel, all hotassery, all the time. I especially recommend this NYT article from 1997 about all the Emanuels and this snippet of Zeke, Rahm and Ari being interviewed together. Don't thank me, thank serialkarma for enabling. I <3 you Rahm.

I promised a lot of people Generation Kill porn if my candidate won. So, in addition to mob!spanking and bondage in random comments, I decided to break out the kink!box. Yes, we can.

Generation Kill

The Rebel & The Bourgeoisie

"It's too tight."

"It's supposed to be tight."

"It's not suppose to - oh, fuck, do that again."

Nate really should've said no to the cock ring, but it's early in the morning, and Brad was already sucking Nate's cock when Nate woke up. Nate didn't have enough brain cells to process what was happening until after the ring was on and he wasn’t coming his brains out.

The 'not coming' was not part of his plan this morning.

He tenses, waiting, and eventually, Brad fulfills his request, mouthing Nate's balls with a wet slurp. "Like that?" he asks, sucking and licking, his stubble rubbing the inside of Nate's thigh.

Nate just groans. "Fuck, yes."

Nate's whole body vibrates when Brad chuckles against the inside of Nate's thigh. Nate plants his feet on the bed and pushes his hips upward, only to have Brad push him back down.

"Stay," Brad orders.

"You said I had to hold onto the headboard, you didn't say anything about my feet."

Brad lifts his head, his chin resting on Nate's hip. "I make it up as I go along. Just like a good devil dog."

Nate snorts. "There's nothing 'good' about you."

Brad raises an eyebrow. "You seemed to think my dick up your ass was pretty good last night."

Nate could concede the point, but no. "Speaking of fucking…" he segues, purposefully eying his cock, which is standing angrily at attention between them.

Brad doesn't take the bait.

"Did you say something about sucking?" Brad offers instead.

Nate nods. "That too."

And then Brad makes an absolutely scandalous noise, sucking the head of Nate's cock into his mouth like it's a popsicle on the hottest day all year. Nate's head falls back against the mattress with a creak of the bed springs.

His entire body is wound up a lot like these springs. He thought he was getting a blow job, no one said anything about putting his dick in a vise and letting Brad have his way with it -- him.

Not that Nate has ever told Brad 'no.'

"Like that?" Brad asks, pulling off much too soon.


"Is that a yes or a no, sir? You know clarity of instructions is important," Brad mocks.

Nate sighs loudly, wriggling his hips in hopes that some of the pressure building up in his dick will magically disappear. Of course it's not happening.

That's what he gets for letting Brad have control.

Nate lifts his head to glare at Brad, and instead ends up thrusting his hips towards Brad's mouth again. It's a reflexive response: Brad's lips are wet and swollen and there are strands of saliva and come linking Brad's mouth to Nate's cock.

Brad pulls away, licking his lips just as the head of Nate's cock is almost there.

"You really are an asshole," Nate concedes to the ceiling.

"You don't have to give me compliments." Brad's voice licks at Nate's ears. "I'll fuck you eventually."


Nate lifts his head again to glare, and instead finds Brad eying him with mirth. "Eventually," Nate parrots again. "Did I mention you're an asshole?"

"What's that?" Brad asks, pushing Nate's legs further apart, "you want me to lick your asshole? Well, I suppose I could accommodate such a request-"

Nate means to say something, but then Brad's arms are wrapped around his thighs, holding him open and pushing his legs back towards his ears.

He is really not meant to be this flexible - and it doesn't matter because Brad's tongue is flickering over Nate's asshole. "Jesus fuck, Brad!"

Brad's tongue is tentative for approximately three seconds, licking, tasting, ghosting over Nate's entrance, and then Brad just slides in, his tongue fucking Nate's ass with authority. Slick and hard and demanding, like Brad owns Nate and Nate just forgot that briefly.

Nate has every right to curse the house down, so he does.

He can't get any leverage on his back, he's completely open to what Brad wants to do with him -- to him - and what Brad wants to do is leave Nate a quivering mess on the bed. What Brad wants to do, apparently, is eat Nate's ass so thoroughly that Nate is ruined for anyone else.

Nate can hear it when Brad spits and he can feel it when Brad replaces his tongue with his finger, two fingers without preamble, fucking into Nate's ass and totally fucking with Nate's mind.

Nate's wrists ache from his death grip on the bed frame, and he lets out this long moan when Brad's tongue licks around where his fingers are fucking Nate.

"Fuckfuckfuck," Nate chants, unable to ask for anything besides what Brad's already giving him.

"Soon," Brad promises, his fingers stretching and going deep inside Nate. Nate bites his lip hard when Brad's fingers brush against his prostate. His cock is so hard he really thinks he might pass out from lack of blood flow.

"Now," Nate demands. "Please."

Nate can't really see any of Brad with his legs over his head and Brad's tongue up his ass, but when Brad moves into Nate's range of vision his hair is plastered to his forehead and the area around his mouth shiny and slick with spit and Nate's come.

It's just too much stimulation. Nate lets go of the headboard to take the instrument of torture off his dick, and is stopped by Brad's hand on his wrist. "Please, huh?"

If even an iota of the lust, frustration and sheer desire to get fucked that Nate's feeling is on his face -

Nate makes this undignified noise when Brad's fingers slide out of his ass and he gets to lower his legs to the bed. He's been upside down for so long he's totally disoriented to be horizontal.

"Hands on the headboard," Brad coaxes in Nate's bewildered state, and Nate acquiesces only because Brad's climbing over him, his cock leaving wet patterns all over Nate's thighs and stomach.

Brad doesn't kiss him as much as he just licks at Nate's mouth, never leaning in close enough for Nate to get what he wants, but just enough for Nate to get a taste. Their tongues brush against each other over and over again, Nate straining his neck to kiss Brad until his shoulders seize up and he collapses on the bed once more.

Brad's eyes are dark as he pulls away, and then Brad's hands are holding Nate's head still and Brad dives down, kissing Nate and sucking all the air out of his lungs. Brad fucks Nate's mouth with his tongue, biting at Nate's lips until Nate's mouth is just another raw, swollen expanse of Nate that's been claimed by Brad Colbert.

Nate doesn't even realize he's been grinding his hips against Brad's thigh until Brad pulls away, leaving Nate's cock exposed and throbbing with tension.

"I'm never getting fucked, am I?" Nate queries, as Brad crawls over him to the nightstand.

"Define 'never'," Brad says, even as he's ripping the foil off of yet another condom and slicking himself with a half-empty bottle of Astroglide. Nate's transfixed. No matter how many times he sees Brad do this it never becomes any less hot.

Nate twitches when Brad pokes him in the thigh. "What?"

Brad chuckles. "Enjoying the show?"

"Can I let go now?" Nate asks bluntly.

Brad nods, and Nate attacks.

His equilibrium is for shit and his hands have cramped up, but all Nate has to do is get Brad on his back and climb on him. He could run up Everest seeing spots and wheezing, and he'd be able to orient himself enough to fuck Brad when he got there.

"I should've been expecting that," Brad says wryly, now that Nate's got him pinned to the bed.

"You didn't listen to the question," Nate scolds lightly. "I could've let go of anything."

"Anything?" Brad posits, even as Nate wraps his hand around Brad's cock and positions himself properly.

"Exactly," Nate says, slowly sliding down Brad's cock. It's the last word he feels like saying for several minutes. Brad's cock is just as inexorable as he is, and Brad's fingers dig into Nate's hips as Nate gets himself situated and begins to fuck himself on Brad's cock.

Brad's face goes through this series of expressions, everything from surprise to sheer pleasure to desire to something a little harder when Nate plants a hand on Brad's chest, holds him down and rides his cock hard. Nate's own dick is still suppressed by the cock ring and waving around insistently between them.

"Motherfucker," Brad chants as his balls slap against Nate's ass over and over again. "Motherfucker."

Brad's cock isn't just long, it's thick, and he's hitting Nate's prostate enough that if Nate wasn't already primed to come twenty minutes ago, he would be now. He's had enough. He stops just when Brad's fingernails are leaving little half-moon shapes in his skin. "Take it off,' he commands.

Brad blinks at him in confusion once, and then his eyes show a flicker of recognition. He looses the release on the cock ring and Nate comes all over Brad's chest.

The white spatters stand out glaringly against Brad's tan skin, and Nate has this almost irrepressible urge to smear his come all over Brad's chest. He takes a deep, shuddering breath and stills for a minute now that all the pressure is gone.

It's like finally breathing after holding his breath for the Recon fitness test -- and then Nate's being flipped on his back, and Brad's fucking the hell out if him.

Nate would be startled, but he doesn't have time, because Brad's looming over him, sweaty and sticky, eyes wide open and mouth parted as he pants Nate's name.

He's holding Nate down and fucking Nate so hard that Nate can't do anything besides moan and urge him on. Later there will be bruises and soreness and Nate demanding servitude, since sitting down is going to be impossible, but right now this is what he needs, what Brad wants, and god, it's so fucking good.

Brad coming is almost an anti-climax. Almost.

Brad collapses over him, panting against Nate's temple before pulling out and rolling onto his side.

The condom makes a snapping noise as Brad rolls it off, ties it off and flings it somewhere that's hopefully not on the bed.

"So, was that as good for you as it was for me?" Nate quips.

Brad just raises an eyebrow. "You loved the cock ring, admit it."

"I liked coming all over you," Nate offers

"God, you are a kinky fucker," Brad says admiringly.

Nate yawns. "Just wait until I put that cock ring on you."


See, our president can inspire EVERYONE!

generation kill, rahm is greater than you

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