RPS/F - Beautiful Disasters (Ari Gold/Robert Downey Jr., George Clooney, Shia LaBeouf)

Jul 30, 2008 14:05

a) I saw the trailer for HP and the Half-Blood Prince. I won't lie, it looks good. HBP is my favorite book because it actually talks about Slytherins for a change. Biased what ( Read more... )

ari & george, ari

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Comments 45

anywherebeyond July 30 2008, 21:51:50 UTC
Dude, it's sick how much this made my day. *hugs*


hackthis July 31 2008, 18:08:58 UTC
Oh, hooray!


sparky77 July 30 2008, 23:32:58 UTC
Aw! Poor Ari! I want to give him a hug too. He's the sweetest borderline sociopath ever.

You cannot go to war unprepared. Only stupid people go to war unprepared, like the President.
So much win!

And yay for the riding crop! And I also enjoyed RDJ kind of bossing George around and Matt micromanaging everything from afar. Just lots and lots of love all around.


hackthis July 31 2008, 18:10:28 UTC
Ari's genius is so misunderstood in his time. And I am so glad you liked it, at one point Ari and I were just going to toss it in, but the thought of RDJ kept us going.


bonniebb July 30 2008, 23:37:58 UTC
This was awesome. I was cracking up while reading this. Love it!


hackthis July 31 2008, 18:10:40 UTC


xanatosdecrion July 30 2008, 23:50:02 UTC
I love it! *sigh* I miss Ari. Must need to have my Entourage now.


hackthis July 31 2008, 18:10:59 UTC
Ari is awesome, isn't he?


dine July 30 2008, 23:58:33 UTC
I loved the phalanx of lawyers from Wolfram & Hart, and George at the hospital in his pyjamas, cleaning up Ari's messes. but the best bit was Bob with the helmet and crop, administering some common sense (and just a touch of hotass) to talk Ari down from the ceiling


hackthis July 31 2008, 18:11:52 UTC
best bit was Bob with the helmet and crop, administering some common sense (and just a touch of hotass) to talk Ari down from the ceiling

The best part is that ten years ago, Ari was the sane one of the two. I know that seems unlikely, but tis true!


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