Music and recs and whatnot.

Dec 07, 2007 10:59

1. romanticalgirl wrote me Burn Notice for advent, because she loves me and is made of win. I know you're all jealous. Read it and be really jealous.

2. Speaking of jealousy, ethrosdemon wrote me a story for my birthday. Yes, it was last week, but better late than never when it comes to brilliance. Especially when that brilliance is a Gossip Girl/Harry Potter X-over. Read I'm Pretty Much a Big Deal before you kick the bucket in envy.

And for the second time this week, I bring you music. Here is my Friday Five of Awesome because music should be shared and loved by all.

1. Radiohead 'Killer Cars' - A B-Side (presumably from The Bends era, because of how hard it rocks out) about the dangers of driving. I make no secret of my Radiohead love, but I have come to accept that there will never be a The Bends Part 2, which is very sad b/c that's hands-down my favorite Radiohead album. Although Hail to the Thief is kind of awesome.

2. Rachel Stevens 'Some Girls' (remix) - A song about not getting what you want that was very big in the UK about two, almost three, years ago. I heard it in the dressing room of a store about six months ago and was transported back to some serious clubbing days.

3. Kanye West 'Homecoming f/ Chris Martin' - Okay, look, I know seeing the name Chris Martin has either enthralled some people or driven them off to get pitchforks, and you know, I understand that. I was a big Coldplay fan before fame came along, but Chris just does the chorus here. 'Homecoming' is really Kanye's love letter to the city where he grew up (Chicago). I played it 12 times yesterday.

4. Joe Purdy 'Blue in the Sky' - I love Joe Purdy madly. He's not famous, he's not pretty, but damnit he'll write you a gorgeous song on his guitar and have you sobbing in your beer in a heartbeat. This song is beautiful and uplifting and will make you smile and you won't know why, but I'll tell you, why, it's b/c it's Joe and that's what he does.

5. Ella Fitzgerald 'Black Coffee' - Jazz fans tend to love Ella and Billie Holiday, but I don’t tend to do things like other people. I'm not into Billie at all, but I can listen to Ella all fucking day. Especially when she's talking about coffee and cigarettes and waiting for her lover to come back.

Zip file (plus extras here)

music, recs: misc

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