Make Sure They See My Face - Act IV (Rated R)

Nov 02, 2007 09:37


hackthis Productions Present:

Make Sure They See My Face (The Making of a Movie in Five Acts)

featuring Ari Gold
George Clooney
Shia LaBeouf
and Milo Ventimiglia

With Viggo Mortensen. And some other folks.

Act I: Ari
Act II: Milo
Act III: Shia

Act IV: Viggo )

rps: make sure they see my face, ari & george

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Comments 39

vic_ramsey November 2 2007, 18:34:34 UTC
Your Viggo is completlely beautiful.


hackthis November 6 2007, 22:35:09 UTC
Thank you!


teardropdangel November 2 2007, 19:55:51 UTC
Migraine aside, I love your Viggo. Deep and thoughtful, he's a refreshing contrast to the others.

Oh! And JAMES!!!! *happy dance*


hackthis November 6 2007, 22:38:39 UTC
I should have amended that this was the first time Viggo didn't give me a migraine, he actually flowed beautifully. He was obviously giving his blessing.


ghostrunner7 November 2 2007, 20:48:33 UTC
I MIGHT be crying. No promises. But maybe.


hackthis November 6 2007, 22:39:41 UTC
Viggo will do that to you.


hey_mockingbird November 2 2007, 20:57:09 UTC
Woah, WOAH!! I missed the posting of Shai's!?

NOOOO!!!!! *runs to read them both*


hackthis November 6 2007, 22:40:20 UTC
LOL. I update rather regularly, I know.


burntcopper November 2 2007, 21:45:14 UTC
:happy, happy squee: Bradley and George! George telling him he's in charge and that's the whole point! JAMES! John + bananas! (he's clearly been hanging around the Dr Who set for far too long) The rap twins squee! Man-handling each other! MORE EXCLAMATION MARKS!


hackthis November 6 2007, 22:41:30 UTC
Brad and George are an example of what happens if you go to Viggo too late and then he has to undo all the damage. Clearly they should have been in counselling from the beginning. Matt thinks so.


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