FNL - Smashnstreet (PG-13)

Dec 08, 2006 12:55

1. This is why Petrellicest is a viable option. Thank you piratesdaughter. For those who may be on the fence, I recommend scribblinlenore who broke my 'cest cherry. Yeah, it's just as dirty as it sounds.

b. antheia made FNL icons! Oh, FNL, how I love you so! You've inspired me for the first time in months. Why does everybody else not love FNL, too? Finally, a fandom that's ( Read more... )

friday night lights

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Comments 25

sizequeen December 8 2006, 21:47:21 UTC
You know, I really loved this. I was initially disappointed that everyone else had great homosocial relationships (Landry-Matt, Street-Riggins). I wish that Smash had a a friendship like the one you present here, but I suspect that he doesn't. Smash's emotional connections seem to solely be with family and the church. I think he may like some of the guys on the team, but he probably sees them as associates, rivals, and co-workers--- not real friends.

I've known guys like this, who are filled with such ambition that they won't take on anything (real girlfriends, friends) that would distract from their goal.

anyway, this was lovely. It's nice to think that someone knows Smash and see beyond his swagger. Smash strikes me as a desperate man who doesn't feel he can burden anyone with his fears.


hackthis December 11 2006, 23:18:16 UTC
I know what you mean about Smash needing someone to lean on right now, it drives me bonkers that we never see that on the show. Apparently Smash is the only one with an involved parent though -- did they make a trade-off in the writing room. You can have parents or friends, but not both? Who came up with that sucky system?!


daraq December 8 2006, 23:17:02 UTC
This is wonderful! Man, you make me so happy with your dead on characterizations in small fandoms like Friday Night Lights and Entourage. Parts of what you write become canon for me, which means I have to separate out the bits that are pure Zahra from the actual show when I pimp the shows outside fandom. ;-)

Thank you!


hackthis December 11 2006, 23:19:52 UTC
It would be nice if everybody loved the same little fandoms I do, but we're all drawn to different fandoms and that's what makes fandom a great place. Although, you know, FNL could stand to have a lot more love. Just saying :)


(The comment has been removed)

hackthis December 11 2006, 23:20:38 UTC
Thank you :)


on an unrelated note... kattiya December 9 2006, 00:27:05 UTC
(since i have to DL FNL to understand what the hell you're talking about)
um, have you read this. goddamn give me some gay bond!


Re: on an unrelated note... hackthis December 11 2006, 23:23:21 UTC
a) FNL is fucking awesome.

b) FNL has Abercrombie models who can act. I'll give you a moment to process that. Yes, not fake acting, not acting in relation to everybody else sucking, like hardcore real acting.

c) They're all very pretty. VERY pretty.

d) And gay together

e) Daniel has always been very equal opportunity that way though.


Cue gratuitous capslock abuse... askmehow December 9 2006, 03:55:49 UTC
It's not really something Smash's thought about, but Street's been in Brian's life since he arrived in Dillon. Hell, Street was the first guy to welcome Brian to the Pee Wee team in fifth grade[...]
I want you to marry me. That is all.

...okay, no, that's not all. This is why I'm going to shamelessly beg you to keep writing in this fandom, 'cause you get Jason and how to write him. This is Jay, always ready to lend a hand, be helpful and welcoming. *glee*

Saracen's a nice kid, but he's not Street. He doesn't know Smash's strengths like Street does. Brian didn't come up with Matt Saracen, he came up with Jason Street.
OMG SO MUCH GLEE. CAN'T COPE. This is what it's all about. Matt's brilliant and woobietastic, but before him, there was Jason. And those are some huge shoes to fill.

Smash pats Jason on the back as they leave his room. "Smashnstreet - together like always."There's just such a sense of shared history together, of hits taken and games played, but more than that, of a friendship that still remains, despite everything. ( ... )


Re: Cue gratuitous capslock abuse... hackthis December 11 2006, 23:25:53 UTC
I feel like Jason and Brian had this great friendship that got lost in puberty and race politics and all kinds of stupid shit. *sigh* And yes, before there was Matt there was Jason. I adore me some Saracen, but Jason, god Jason. And he's pretty. He has no lips, but damn is he pretty. Tim, you dumbass!


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