
Nov 09, 2006 16:20

Holy crap, my birthday is two days away.

The odds makers in Vegas are tearing up the betting tickets even now, as the chances of me living to thirty one were at about a thousand to one earlier this year.

Of course, I could still get hit by a bus tomorrow, so ya never know. Don't give up hope yet, you crazy gamblers.


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Comments 51

thebalanckeepr November 10 2006, 00:30:47 UTC
Well, all things considered, I think between multiple people in the Nexus, even a bus wouldn't stop you.

Happy early birthday, in any event. Saying it now because my memory for birthdays is notoriously terrible.


h_hollister November 10 2006, 00:41:39 UTC
Heh. Point conceded. And yet again, already been dead, once. I got better.

Thanks. No party this year, but feel free to send presents anyway. ;)


thebalanckeepr November 10 2006, 00:43:25 UTC
You're one of the ones that's happened to before you found the Nexus, which.. ...Well, thinking about it now, doesn't really put you in any sort of minority, given what I've heard of some worlds.

I just might, anything particular I should send?


h_hollister November 10 2006, 00:45:22 UTC
Hey hey hey. I am not from 616, thank you very much. There is no revolving door over here. (Although they're thinking of installing one for Ramon HONEY I LOVE YOU DON'T BE HATIN')

Ah. Hm. Well, there's always the old stand-by: Booze plz.


secretarybird November 10 2006, 00:56:05 UTC
Oh! A birthday, what an exciting thing! I will bring something from Romania, and we will have dinner once we are all back from vacation?


h_hollister November 10 2006, 01:26:19 UTC
Oh, please. yes. I miss you and Ruthven both terribly. I want to hug you. That'd be the best birthday present ever.


secretarybird November 10 2006, 01:49:35 UTC
We will do this, then. And I will send the popular e-hug?


h_hollister November 10 2006, 01:53:14 UTC
E-Hugs are almost as good as proper hugs when the friend is so very far away.


victoria_sage November 10 2006, 01:47:56 UTC
I fear for the bus, and look forward to your birthday.


h_hollister November 10 2006, 01:52:38 UTC
Yes, because goodness knows buses should fear me. Yes.

Hey, Vic. How's by you?


victoria_sage November 10 2006, 02:30:24 UTC
It would, ultimately, be unsatisfactory. You have science and magic on your side.

I'm fairly well. Haven't figured out what to do, if anything, for Thanksgiving. Will probably end up cooking for the Embryon.


h_hollister November 10 2006, 02:40:41 UTC
And a boyfriend who has plaga powers. >_>

ANYWAY. We don't do Thanksgiving here across the pond, donchaknow. So if you wish to escape the madness, this is a holiday free zone here.


sublime_bolt November 10 2006, 02:04:02 UTC
To be honest, the bus has no chance of survival. Period.

And as for your birthday, I hope it goes well Hippolyta. If anything, hopefully nothing bad will happen on the day itself.


h_hollister November 10 2006, 02:09:39 UTC
Man, everybody seems to think I'd beat a bus. I'm suddenly envisioning a bus in one corner of a boxing ring, me in another, and Little Mac in the third, and he's very confused.


sublime_bolt November 10 2006, 02:23:08 UTC
I wouldn't doubt it, considering that big gun you was wielding when I first met you in the Nexus. Which would be the reason the bus stands no chance.

Heh. The joke is lost on me, since I have no idea who this 'Little Mac' is. But still, I'm curious to ask, who's actually driving that bus? Someone who needs to be beat up?


h_hollister November 10 2006, 02:39:23 UTC
Ah, but my bazookoid is gone. Casualty of war. Smashed by a plaga tentacle. I shoulda known it'd take Saddler to deprive me of my signature weapon. Bastard.

As for who's driving...uh. Bear is driving. How can that be?


gadgetqueen November 10 2006, 02:05:36 UTC

Hee. Hee hee hee. Ha. Ha ha. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

...I'm fiiiiiine....

*mad, mad grin*


h_hollister November 10 2006, 02:08:46 UTC
...You're going to get me a bus, aren't you?


gadgetqueen November 10 2006, 02:37:03 UTC


thebalanckeepr November 10 2006, 02:28:04 UTC
...Oh dear. Should I be worried, ajin? *Good natured*


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