Title: History, Repeating Itself (Chapter Two)
Rating: R
Pairing: Holmes/Watson (currently pre-slash)
Warnings: Alcohol and marijuana use, general debauchery, copious use of coarse language
Spoilers: None, except for
Chapter One of this story.
Author's Notes: This is a fill for an AWESOME prompt at
shkinkmeme; both the prompt and the fill thread can be found
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Comments 32
Thanks bb! More soooooon :D
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There should be another chapter up soon; if not tonight then by the end of the weekend :D
Looking forward to the next bit.
Of course he would. Holmes playing zombie killing games, asdfghjk. And typing with one hand. There is only one thing to ask: can I please please please marry him? *glee*
I like cock. I try not to let it run my life.
Best. Sentence. Ever.
"You're already in my phone that way," he said, grinning triumphantly. "So it's much too late--ooh, starfruit. What do you think that tastes like?"
What ADD, where? The grocery store scene is one of the funniest so far, although I totally get Holmes's curiosity concerning foods he hasn't tried but would like to just for the hell of it.
He's lucky I was so quick to understand his language. No one sane would have taken that for the peace offering it was.
"You're going to get explosion on it."
"Watson," he said, smiling at me, "that sentence didn't even make sense. You've got to start sleeping."I must be overtired because Watson made complete sense to me. *g* I like ( ... )
Also, you are WELCOME to marry Holmes but you're gonna have to fight Watson for him. He was in the army, you know. And I don't know if you want him, he's got some pretty disgusting habits. Do you know he borrows Watson's toothbrush sometimes? Yeah, Watson doesn't know that either, but it's gonna be a BIG fight when he finds out.
Borrowing toothbrushes? Eww-- wait, okay, a friend of mine has borrowed my toothbrush once or twice (which, uh, you prolly didn't need to know but it's rather late and my thoughts are running away from me again). I reckon he'd be a lot happier with Watson, though, so... *dramatic sigh* I suppose I could do with just reading about him. (I not-so-secretly lol'd at the toothbrush borrowing because OH HOLMES. ♥)
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