White Collar; Fic; Dice or No Dice; NC-17

Mar 06, 2010 02:25

I was fooling around on the kinkmeme (NOT, as I mistakenly called it in a conversation earlier, the KINMEME, which would be a different meme indeed) yesterday, and I came across a lovely prompt. Anon asked for something involving my favorite OT3 and backpalming or cup-and-balling, a la the hilarious webcast with Tim and Matt ( Read more... )

white collar, neal/peter/el, captain americaverse, porn porn porn

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Comments 43

hikarikitty March 6 2010, 08:19:44 UTC
First..let me say I'm addicted to your fics - even if I don't comment, I do stalk.<3

And..this one..just..ah..words can't even express what I want to say. I just love it..and..lots of other words that have escaped me.<33


gyzym March 6 2010, 15:55:52 UTC

And thanks so much! I'm glad you're enjoying the outburst of porn fiction :D


hikarikitty March 7 2010, 02:57:58 UTC
It's a image grab from the TV Guide photo-shoot video.



elainasaunt March 6 2010, 09:24:15 UTC
Uh-huh. Imma have to find me some of those dice.

White Collar is the first time I've ventured very far out of the Torchwood/Doctor Who fandom, where bisexuality is canon and the fic quality is amazing. Your WC stuff is equal to the best in TW/DW, for sure (sorry, I don't play much in HP - although, heh, your little crossover the other day was, I'll admit, a lot of fun...). Think I may have to friend you, if that's OK.

PS: Small glitch in penultimate paragraph - missing 'you' in Neal quote.


gyzym March 6 2010, 15:59:16 UTC
THEY HAVE THEM ON THE INTERNET. The ones I used for inspiration were here; that is, hilariously enough, a TRAVEL website that offers this as like an additional guest service or something? IDEK. But, yes. They exist.

And thanks so much for the HUGE compliment; I'm so glad you're liking the stuff. Aaaaand of course it is ok if you friend me--welcome aboard. Be warned, it's crazy on this boat.

OOPS. Thank you! That is totally what I get for posting porn at 3 AM :D


elainasaunt March 6 2010, 17:36:53 UTC
Oh, gee, there's all sorts of choice in the Internet sex dice shopping category, I see. But I like brick and mortar shops for my toys. Fortunately there's one right down the street with my name on it - literally. (Erm, long story...)


gyzym March 7 2010, 02:33:14 UTC
Um, I want to HEAR that story.


snegurochka_lee March 6 2010, 12:56:34 UTC
fjalksjdfl;kajsdl;fjka;lsdf. that is all.


gyzym March 6 2010, 16:00:28 UTC
Some days I feel like our communication consists entirely of one of us going DSFJSDSKJDSLS;FJFDJ at the other :D


wpadmirer March 6 2010, 13:45:13 UTC
Yeah, very hot.



gyzym March 6 2010, 16:00:50 UTC
Thanks much! Glad you enjoyed it.


secretsolitaire March 6 2010, 14:28:10 UTC
Man. How do you crank out such good porn so fast? *enjoys every word of it*


gyzym March 6 2010, 16:04:39 UTC
It's a disease. It's called SpeedPornitis; those with this affliction are overcome several times a day with REALLY DISTRACTING mental images that can only be banished by writing them out and posting them on the internet. ALAS, IT IS A HARD LIFE I LEAD, FULL OF SUFFERING AND WOE AND PORN.

BUT! THERE IS HOPE. They are working on a cure at St. Jude's right now! If you want to donate, please call 1-800-STOP-PRN, or shoot off an email to seriouslyhelpme@itotallymadethisup.com :D


ursula4x March 6 2010, 17:40:01 UTC
BUT! THERE IS HOPE. They are working on a cure at St. Jude's right now! If you want to donate, please call 1-800-STOP-PRN, or shoot off an email to seriouslyhelpme@itotallymadethisup.com :D

Bad news. The disease must spread like zombie bites. I sent a donation and they sent me porn.


gyzym March 6 2010, 22:25:45 UTC
DAMN IT, I told those doctors to wear Hazmat suits.


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