You're A Mean One

Dec 20, 2010 17:33

You’re A Mean One

Authors Notes: This was written for the Grinch challenge at grangersnape100. I believe the last thing I wrote was about two years ago. So, here I am, trying again. Thank you to Alauralen for looking this over and telling me I don’t suck. Thank you also to Droxy for convincing me to write something again.

Hermione heard Severus chuckle from the living room ( Read more... )

drabbles, grangersnape100

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Comments 3

droxy December 20 2010, 22:51:06 UTC
hugs u- april's right yanno


irishredlass December 21 2010, 02:40:03 UTC
Cute and charming.


OT: The SSHG Quiz morethansirius May 11 2012, 14:22:59 UTC
This week on the SSHG Quiz the themes is Series & Sequels. We have featured The Sponge Bath Trilogy with a quote and a link to your stories. Please accept our featured Author banner as our thank you for sharing your stories with SSHG fangirls everywhere!

Your Featured Author banner

Come play the SSHG Series & Sequels Quiz!


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