I hate myself (and I hate Apple more)

Jun 03, 2015 20:20

Welp, my computer is basically fucked (at least it's still on warranty). They have to replace the video card, but they may not be able to save the data on the hard drive either, much of which hasn’t been backed up. A lot’s on dropbox, but a lot isn’t, including all the saved email recently (I know, I know, but the thing is, I don’t understand how ( Read more... )

vidding is hard

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Comments 9

Portable Hard Drives cattraine June 4 2015, 03:49:22 UTC
with about 1000GB cost less than a hundred dollars now. My Passport for Mac is the best investment ever, I got it on Ebay for about 70.00. You just plug it in your computer and move folders over into it for backup. Best back up ever.

Easy peasy and I am a techno Luddite.


Re: Portable Hard Drives gwyn_r June 4 2015, 05:32:18 UTC
Yeah, see, that would barely make a dent in the video files I work with. It might work for the iMac, which is what broke, but that's part of why I've never done a backup system for everything--the video files are on multiple hard drives and I don't understand how to handle the whole thing. So I never did, because I end up having panic attacks at my inability to deal.


destina June 4 2015, 05:21:59 UTC
I bought a 2 TB My Passport Seagate external drive on Amazon for $80, plugged it in to the USB port, turned on Time Machine and walked away. I literally do nothing else with it except plug it in and ignore it. I'm thankful to Apple for making backups easy because otherwise, I'd never do it. (I'm in trouble if my PC laptop dies.)

Hope all works out okay with your machine and your vids. I know how frustrating such things are. :/


gwyn_r June 4 2015, 05:36:18 UTC
Well, I have two multi-terrabyte external drives. But the thing is, that's where the video stuff resides, and I don't know how to make backups of all the different hard drives, plus I couldn't cope with time machine having rewritten one of my other hard drives when I first booted up the new iMac, and so I just...didn't do anything. I get panic attacks because I can't figure this shit out on my own. So, obviously I have to find a solution after this. It's just also that I've never had an ounce of trouble with my macs. Never. It's something I've meant to take care of, but...after my external hard drive with all the MC remasters died, I was looking at too much money in data recovery to handle, and that and backing up just kind of sit there on my to-do list. I fucked myself, but this computer has been the rare problem one I've ever had. (There's a whole memory thing that I won't go into)


sdwolfpup June 4 2015, 20:00:06 UTC
Augh I'm sorry you will (might?) lose some of your data. I HATE that. It's such a feeling of frustration.

GOOD THINGS, let's see. We're fostering our second dog this weekend? He's a corgi mix. Here's his picture:

... )


gwyn_r June 6 2015, 04:45:24 UTC


mackiemesser June 5 2015, 02:42:29 UTC
Well, crap. I hope they can recover the hard drive.

I'm a bit surprised Apple doesn't have some kind of automatic back up function you can turn on, honestly. That seems rather careless of their OS designers...


gwyn_r June 6 2015, 04:48:07 UTC
They do. It's just me that didn't. A long time ago when I brought my new iMac home, it rewrote my ext. hard drive with time machine backup and I freaked and took it off. I backed up manually but that drive died a few years ago, and I never dealt with figuring out a replacement. Because I've never had a mac fail. Ever. But this iMac's been a problem, and I should have realized something else could go wrong.


mackiemesser June 6 2015, 22:04:21 UTC
Ah, gotcha. I am very familiar with the "it messed up once, kill it with fire" feelings about computer programs.


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