I hate myself (and I hate Apple more)

Jun 03, 2015 20:20

Welp, my computer is basically fucked (at least it's still on warranty). They have to replace the video card, but they may not be able to save the data on the hard drive either, much of which hasn’t been backed up. A lot’s on dropbox, but a lot isn’t, including all the saved email recently (I know, I know, but the thing is, I don’t understand how to create a backup system for all this stuff that's ginormous like the vids, and it gives me anxiety attacks, so I keep avoiding it. Learn from my mistakes, kids!) and the downloads folder where I've let some things stay I should have moved a while ago. I don’t know what I’m going to do about Vividcon vids. The day only got worse from there, including tearing my hands to pieces trying to open a Pepsi bottle on the way home from the Apple store--if I'm having a bad day and going to be stuck in traffic, I want to drink my fucking pop, you know? Thank god for SebStan’s selfie today, it was the one shining light.

Tell me something good?

vidding is hard

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