Fandom is a stupid goddamn hobby

Jun 02, 2015 22:03

My fucking iMac screen has totally died, right when I have to finalize my auction vid (which my owner, killabeez, totally loved yay!) and make my premieres vid. I’d had trouble last week but thought I’d fixed it, only now it’s completely fried and I have to drag this behemoth up to the Apple store tomorrow. The past hour has been a comedy of errors with me trying to update older programs on my ancient computer and them refusing to update.

I was already feeling crappy enough. I haven’t been able to write at all outside of commentfic, and finally felt like I was making some progress on a completely different fic today (I now have four [WTF?] partially written stories because I can’t fucking write) and was in the right frame of mind for the emotionality of this story and able to churn out over 2,000 words today. So much for eking more out this week.

I don’t know who I want to kill more right now, Apple or myself. Now I have no idea if I will be able to meet the premieres deadline.

vidding is hard

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