I wish I was still in California

Mar 11, 2008 14:50

We had an utterly gorgeous weekend in Ventura for Escapade this year. Smack on the beach, in the 70s, and black_bird_777 and I had a Mitsubishi Spyder convertible that we had the top down most of the time on. I actually have a sunburn on my forehead and scalp as a souvenir because I forgot to put sunscreen on before we left for the airport ( Read more... )

charlie jade, vids, pros, cons

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Comments 11

dine March 11 2008, 22:27:50 UTC
oh god, hon - that's beautiful! watching it, I was totally reminded just why I love the show and characters so much - maybe I need to uncover my DVDs and rewatch it.


kassrachel March 11 2008, 23:21:59 UTC
And I would just like to say that the rumormongering about censoring a vid in the review panel is utter bullshit, and it pisses me off to see the review panel mods tarnished in this way, especially since I know Jo liked that vid a lot.

That certainly wasn't the impression I meant to convey in my con report. Clearly this is a sign that I shouldn't be posting con reports when I'm too sleep-deprived to consider how they might be misunderstood. *wry grin*


morgandawn March 12 2008, 01:05:26 UTC
hey, you;re not responsible for what people read into your posts. and it was such a nice meaty and long convention report. so don;t stint yourself.


gwyn_r March 12 2008, 04:46:46 UTC
I agree with Morgan. It's nothing you have responsibility for, and I thought, when I first read your con report (btw, yay for your wonderful con reports, I always love reading them), I didn't even pause at what you said. It made total sense to me, and there was nothing even hinting and what someone else has inferred. So, her inference, not your implication! (I love talking with wordy people who know stuff like that...)

I hope you don't feel bad or criticize yourself for that in any way -- sleep deprived or not. So not your fault. to me, you are a blessing to fandom. I just don't understand what people are looking for sometimes -- why they see something like your comment and start flinging around loaded words like censorship. You, my dear, have nothing to apologize for.


cathexys March 11 2008, 23:25:25 UTC
Thank you for the report! I love seeing the reports come out afterwards one by one :)

And what a great vid with a just perfect song (her voice is really just like Pro...a little rough around the edges :) I love the sparing use of effects.


przed March 12 2008, 02:34:59 UTC
I was hoping you'd post your vid. 'Cause YAY for Pros vids. (I'm going to have to wait for the DL version at the archive though, since my Mac has also decided to throw a wobbly with Imeem.)

Wish I could have made it to the con. Maybe next year...


wistful_fever March 12 2008, 02:52:50 UTC
The video is fantastic. Excellent selection of clips. It captures the entire feel of the show.


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