I wish I was still in California

Mar 11, 2008 14:50

We had an utterly gorgeous weekend in Ventura for Escapade this year. Smack on the beach, in the 70s, and black_bird_777 and I had a Mitsubishi Spyder convertible that we had the top down most of the time on. I actually have a sunburn on my forehead and scalp as a souvenir because I forgot to put sunscreen on before we left for the airport.

I went to a few panels, ran one on Charlie Jade (I keep thinking I should do a pimping post for the series, but I can't imagine any people wanting to read it) that was surprisingly well attended (well, all things considered -- I expected two people, and got about ten, and considering that I was up against the one big panel I wanted to attend for the weekend on race, religion, etc. in fandom, that was a good attendance, and I was up against the Veritas pimping panel). The biggest problem, other than trying to explain the show in an introductory way (hah) was that there was only one room with a TV and dvd player, and the only country that has released Charlie Jade on DVD is Japan, so I needed a multiregion player. Fortunately, melina123 came to my rescue, and De, who was doing the Veritas pimping panel in the TV room, was willing to switch rooms with me, so I was able to at least show the vids and show some of the first disc to the very confused audience. I was stunned that anyone came away from that wanting to know more instead of cursing me and the show.

The worst part about the con was that so many of my usual friends -- the SF crowd, especially -- weren't there, not to mention missing killabeez and elynross, and Destina and Lys, and and..., and so that was sad. But that meant at least that this year I could spend a bit more time with some folks, although I barely got to see justacat, really mostly just long enough so that she could buy my vidding services in a non-auction auction to help pay into the con debt. I'm so excited! Yay for being owned.

I liked the hotel more than most folks, though the bathrooms were ridic and they were so stingy with towels that it became a joke for me and my roomie. I would gladly trade a train coming by all the time for the beach location and the view of hot surfer boyz and people walking their pupsters on the beach. Blackbird and I got very excited when we saw something filming on the beach near the pier on Sunday, hoping maybe it might be Fast and Furious 4, but alas it was just some bubbleheaded blonde filming her music video. Wah.

The vid show was kind of short, for a lot of reasons, most that the vidcomm talked about and figured out some plans of attack to publicize more. You can't do much in terms of vidders' lives going to hell in a handbasket, as seemed to be the case for many of our usual vidders this year, but we can do more in terms of getting out info earlier instead of waiting until con details are confirmed, etc. We all want to be more proactive, to use a buzzword I hate. The good thing was that in such a short show, I liked most of the vids. (And I would just like to say that the rumormongering about censoring a vid in the review panel is utter bullshit, and it pisses me off to see the review panel mods tarnished in this way, especially since I know Jo liked that vid a lot.) I was especially tickled that there were two, count 'em two, Professionals vids and two S&H vids in the show, although one of the S&H vids really didn't work for me because of the framing effect used. I would have liked to see that treated more as a bookend for the beginning and end of the vid, and the sepia also used as sparingly. But anyway.

I will run out of space on the vids site at some point here soon, so I'm putting my Professionals vid that premiered at Escapade up on the Circuit Archive and on my Imeem page. You can click here or watch it under the linky link here in streaming video. I literally can't watch it -- Imeem pages simply won't work for me on my Mac anymore, in any browser, and I don't know why. If I use a WindoZe laptop, they're fine. It pisses me off beyond belief.

To DL at the Professionals Circuit Archive: Broken English
Artist: Marianne Faithfull
Fandom: The Professionals
Life in the line of fire.

charlie jade, vids, pros, cons

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