Review of 2x08:

Nov 13, 2009 15:43

A slightly spoilery (no huge plot details but some interesting hints) review of Sins of the Father can be found here.

A bit of spoilery discussion: )

discussion, 2x08, spoilers

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Comments 13

swatkat24 November 13 2009, 15:51:02 UTC

So really, there's very little grounds for Gwen to comment when Morgana is off running round with the druids, just as Morgana has no grounds on which to really react to the Gwen/Arthur issue because so far she doesn't seem to know about it, and, like I said, her focus is outside of Camelot right now, whilst Gwen's is inside.

This makes me worry that they are perhaps not talking to each other as much as they used to, that Gwen suspects but doesn't know about the magic and Morgana doesn't know about Arthur and Lancelot (we don't even know if she suspects anything, apart from the question she asked in 2.04). And of course Morgana worries that she is a burden to Gwen, and it's not in Gwen's nature to burden other people with her silly (she thinks) issues, and I only wonder where this all going to go. I agree that their story arcs are pulling them apart, and it breaks my heart a little bit.

Still. Very excited about the next episode!


gnimaerd November 13 2009, 16:05:36 UTC
It breaks my heart too. And it irks me even more that the relationship isn't being given decent screen time because it has the potential to be REALLY interesting to watch how the way they are changing is affecting how they relate to each other. uurgh - show not giving the women any prioritee. *grumble*

But yeah - this episde will probably be awesome anyway.


heather November 13 2009, 16:00:52 UTC
I agree, I'm kind of sad right now. I can't wait for this episode for the family developments and Morgana stuff, but I'm so tired of the girls being alternately sidelined.

There's more intensity and subtext this season between the girls (2x04 had more slash subtext than all of season one), but less on-camera friendship. Less indication that the girls are talking to each other and in fact it looks like they're keeping stuff from each other. Less normal day-to-day scenes of them together. They no longer stand together at court or sit together at tournaments - I know the sets are bigger now but I don't CARE. :P ( ... )


swatkat24 November 13 2009, 17:19:08 UTC
Last week we got some beautiful proof of Gwen's concern for Morgana and some indication that she knows about her powers, but I wanted some more interaction and I wish Gwen's knowledge or lack thereof or whatever when it comes to Morgana would be addressed.

Gwen was concerned for Morgana in 2.07, Morgana shouted her love from the rooftops in 2.04 - but none of it happened in each other's presence, and that makes me so sad. If their 'destiny' is indeed to be on opposite sides, I want another few scenes like 'you cheer me up' before it finally happens.


elphie_uk November 13 2009, 16:03:25 UTC
Do you mean 'Lancelot and Guinevere' rather that 'The Once and Future Queen'?

It does annoy me that the girls are given much less screen time than the boys; I've started to get angry at the lack of Morgana, but I'm certain that she'll be more involved in this half of the series.

Last year they were pretty good at having them in lots of scenes together; it now seems that for Arthur and Gwen's relationship to flourish, hers and Morgana's must suffer. I imagine that once Morgana is 'evil', they will have almost no screen time together at all.

The parentage thing really excites me; This is what I've been looking forward to since the beginning of series 1! I will be incredibly disappointed if Morgana's not Arthur's brother or (at the very least) his cousin!


gnimaerd November 13 2009, 16:09:43 UTC
Ah, yes - i meant Lancelot and Guinevere - sorry - fixed it now!


(The comment has been removed)

gnimaerd November 13 2009, 16:14:47 UTC
Although I wouldn't mind Gwen being sidelined for just one episode, it would be less annoying if it didn't KEEP happening with one or other of the girls (although Morgana has definitely been under-used this season so far so I'm glad that's not happening again in this episode. I mean, there have been two episodes in which she had less than two minutes of screen time total. That's just pathetic on the wrier's part).


heather November 13 2009, 16:17:56 UTC
That's true; there's not really much for her to add plot-wise, anyway, no way for her to slot into all this family stuff. (She could be around for her GF to talk to, but I'll let it slide. :P)

It's more of a season-wide pattern than this one episode, for me.


la_esmeralda_ November 13 2009, 17:23:05 UTC
I wish we didn't have to fill in the blanks so much with the girls. What with Morgana's magic and Gwen's increasing courtlife-involvment and Morgana's general estrangement, their relationship should be developing before our eyes. We can assume Gwen's beginning to clock about Morgana, and speculate about subtext, but an episode with the two of them sharing equal screen/plot time and actually addressing this would be really good about now.

On one hand, it's nice that when they get an episode, they're doing more than clapping as boys fight. On the other hand, I do miss the every day attached-to-hip casual bffery that the girls had in s1. It's little things, too, like the fact Morgana's been put on a special chair during tournaments.

And this flipping-flopping is absurd. Why must the episode be on one or the other? Morgana-centric eps last year had plenty of Gwen; I fear it's not going to be the same this year.


gnimaerd November 13 2009, 19:32:50 UTC
We can assume Gwen's beginning to clock about Morgana, and speculate about subtext, but an episode with the two of them sharing equal screen/plot time and actually addressing this would be really good about now.

EXACTLY. Pretty much every episode centres on Arthur and Merlin's friendship - it's not THAT much to ask for ONE episode in an entire series that gives significant screen time to Morgana and Gwen's friendship. A huge chunk of their audience are little girls, fangirls and mums - why do the writers think we wont be interested in seeing a female friendship explored in a fantasy setting as much as we will be in a male one?


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