Title: Broken Promises (8/?)
gwenfrewi72 Rating: A or R
Fandom: Firefly
Spoilers: None
Summary: Post BDM. On his way to talk to River, Mal runs into Jayne and Kaylee in the kitchen. He discovers what they think of the situation.
Length: 546 according to Word.
Disclaimer: The great, almighty and powerful Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc. own the universe and characters. I'm just playing with them.
Author's Note: Thanks to
alsunwunderland for beta’ing this chapter for me. Also,
obsidianagirl thanks for the help. My mind went from there.
Feedback: is shiny and always encouraged, both the good and the bad.
Copyright (c) November 2007 Patricia Flynn
Broken Promises -Chapter 1 Broken Promises -Chapter 2 Broken Promises -Chapter 3 Broken Promises -Chapter 4 Broken Promises -Chapter 5 Broken Promises -Chapter 6 Broken Promises -Chapter 7 Scroll over Chinese with mouse to get translation.
* * * * *
Mal decided to take the short route to the passenger dorms via the kitchen. As he neared the door to the galley, he could hear Jayne and Kaylee laughing. Figuring that they were preoccupied and he could just skate on by, he entered the kitchen.
There they sat, a bottle of Kaylee’s inter-engine wine half empty between them. Jayne was busy picking up something off the floor and so didn’t see Mal enter, but Kaylee did.
“Hey captain.” Her words were slightly slurred.
“Hey mei-mei. Whatcha doing?”
“Me and Jayne were just celebratin’.” Kaylee giggled, “Well, I was celebratin’ and Jayne decided to join me".
Jayne had resumed his upright position and looked surprised to see Mal standin’ there.
“What’s the occasion?” Mal queried.
“There’s gonna be a baby on board Serenity.” She grinned at him.
Mal’s eyebrows rose in amusement. “That’s what I was told.”
“That’s right, you’re the papa.” Jayne slurred, “We need to toast ya.”
Jayne grabbed another mug from the table, filled it and pushed it toward where Mal stood.
“Yeah captain, you need to celebrate with us.” Kaylee smiled beguilingly at him.
Mal’s amusement at the antics of these two knew no bounds. Scooping the cup up, he raised it high and said, “To baby Reynolds.”
Jayne and Kaylee raised their mugs and echoed him, “To baby Reynolds,” before they all drank heartily.
“To Mal, the proud papa.” Jayne said next.
They all took another swallow.
Jayne lowered his mug and glared at Mal. “Damn it, Mal, it ain't no fair! Everytime we set foot on Triumph you get all sexed up and ya don't even gotta pay 'em!”
Mal’s eyebrows rose in surprise.
“It’s not like I do anything, Jayne.”
“That’s what I mean. I’m a far better spec…spec..spesman than you and alls I’s evers got
from ‘em is that stoopid rain stick thing.”
“Don’t know what you’re complainin’ ‘bout, Jayne, we all know you’ve spent countless hours playin’ with your stick.” Kaylee giggled.
Mal was in too good a mood to be annoyed with Kaylee’s innuendo, however disturbing of an image it invoked.
Jayne leered back at her, “Well, a man can only polish his gun so much.”
Mal, who had been taking a drink of wine when Jayne said this, choked. It never failed to amaze him, how Jayne who was usually the last one to understand a situation, was always fast on the uptake if it somehow involved sex.
Kaylee’s eyes twinkled in drunken mischief, “So that’s why you spent so much time in your bunk. You’re playing with your stick or polishin’ your gun.”
“It’s all the same to me.” Jayne replied cheekily.
Jayne and Kaylee started laughing uncontrollably at this.
Mal realized that the conversation had quickly degenerated and he did not need images of Jayne doing those things flitting through his mind.
“Well, I’m off to go talk to River.” Mal murmured as he set his mug on table.
They were still laughing, so Kaylee waved a hand in goodbye.
Shaking his head at their antics, Mal exited the kitchen through the rear door and took the stairs to the dorms.
Reaching the bottom of the stairs, the next thing he knew he was flat on his back with his face aflame with pain.
Broken Promises -Chapter 9