Fic, Beach Carnival, G

Jun 12, 2010 13:56

Title: Beach Carnival
Author: gwendolynd 
Rating: G
Warning(s): N/A
Word Count: 398
Challenge: Beach, Mini donuts, Anger
Disclaimer: Nick Carter is in no way mine.
Summary: Nick Carter taking his sweetheart to the beach carnival, daring not to use a disguise.
A/N: Written for the prompts given to me by bree_black


Nick grabbed Breanne’s hand and helped her from the car and flashed the smile he knew melted her into total happiness (then again, he knew that was every smile he had). Ahead of them there were bright lights flickering and swirling in the sky as they followed the paths that the different rides took, capturing the interest of everyone on the pier and beach and drawing them in.

The pair-dressed casually for the hot summer’s night-strode along the beach towards the music and laughter. Nick swiftly paid their way in, pushing his glasses a little higher on his nose when Breanne pointed out how much his disguise…wasn’t. He just smirked and holding her hand pulled her suddenly sideways and they pushed their way into the House of Mirrors, spinning Breanne into a dance hold and dancing around in one spot (after realizing the spinning wasn’t working due to the walls giving depth perception problems).

When a scream of delight erupted and more feminine screams followed immediately after, Nick winked at the reflections, and then grabbed Breanne pulling her laughing towards the exit. Holding a finger to his lips, he crouched, spying around the corner of the attraction, and as the flock of girls pushed their way into the House of Mirrors, Nick pulled Breanne the other direction to disappear behind the mini donut cart, purchasing some without looking directly at the vendor.

Pushing a donut into her mouth, Nick led them both to the other end of the carnival towards the pier. Breanne laughed as she saw the excitement light up in his eyes as he saw the Dolphin sign ahead, and had to jog to keep up with his quickened pace or else drop his hand. Turning the corner to the Dolphin Swim attraction, shadows seemed to crawl across Nick’s eyes and he stopped walking, standing perfectly still.

Breanne grew concerned as she saw the anger in his eyes, then followed his gaze, only to burst out laughing, much to Nick’s displeasure and protest that the situation was not at all hilarious. This was the only night that the Dolphin Swim was closed. Nick kicked at the sand and stomped towards the beach muttering something about how he needed to go swimming and how he’d be back the next day, and the day after that if that’s what it took to swim with the Dolphins. 

rating: g, genre: het, writing: challenge

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