Title: Teddy’s Rampage
Characters: Sam , Dean
Rating: G
Genre: General, Humour
Word count: 100
Summary: Dean has nightmares after Wishful Thinking (4.08)
For the prompt #236 High (at
supernatural100 )
"I'm serious Sammy! Stop laughing," Dean grumbled, swinging his legs off the bed.
Coughing, Sam's eyes shone as his mouth twitched as he forced a serious face on. "No...no of course not. It's not at all amusing when you wake up shrieking 'Teddy's on a rampage' and...what was it..." Sam paused, laughter pulling at his features again, "going to shoot you up with his Lolly-Gun."
Dean groaned, falling back onto the bed. "It's been three days of nightmares that make me feel high, like a child and inexplicably like living in a cotton candy house..."
Sam burst into laughter.