
Mar 29, 2013 23:58

Yesterday B went grocery shopping, and also bought me flowers (which he brought to my desk at work.) Later he came to the office late to fetch me home ( Read more... )

gguy, blue, countdown

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Comments 5

eekm March 30 2013, 09:42:37 UTC
This is the most wonderful post I've seen in some time.


gwendally March 30 2013, 12:09:06 UTC
I feel like I am in the depths of hell. My husband's father dies and I am so incompetent, unable to feed or cloth myself, that I not only cannot support him, HE has to call for help to support ME.

I took the morning shift with the monster puppy, but that is all I get done. It is time to go back to the office for another twelve or fourteen hour shift.


gwendally March 30 2013, 12:11:52 UTC
So I write these thankful posts to try to reframe, and to try to remember to appreciate what is going right. Later, when things aren't so awful (that will happen, right?) I will try to build on the good things.

Or are least try to fix my life so I am not so very needy.


ssterikoff March 30 2013, 15:34:58 UTC
It sounds like B and ES did very well - they understand how much of a newborn this business is. Another 15 days to go. Breathe. *HUGS*


fitfool April 6 2013, 00:43:05 UTC
awww....your family rocks! That makes me so happy to read this post.


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