
Mar 29, 2013 23:58

Yesterday B went grocery shopping, and also bought me flowers (which he brought to my desk at work.) Later he came to the office late to fetch me home.

He arranged for Eldest Son to come home from college this weekend, while B is away at his father's funeral. Eldest Son is standing in for his father while he is gone (and also doing the airport runs.) B must have instructed him on how to tend me, too, because unsolicited he showed up with a dinner for me tonight. Not just a dinner, but one made of food! Half the plate was vegetables!

A few hours later Eldest Son came back to the office to fetch me home.

I am completely out of clean clothes, which actually caused me to be late to work this morning. I simply could not find any pants to wear. (I appear to have stored a pair in some clever safe location I cannot recall.) I ended up getting into a bin of clothes that don't fit, and discovered that I have gone down a pants size now.

Meanwhile, B hung out the load of laundry I started this morning, and Eldest Son brought it in this afternoon. I am never home to hang out the laundry OR bring it in, so it was a special treat to put on a clean night gown tonight.

gguy, blue, countdown

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