The Lies We Tell (10/?)

Sep 16, 2010 15:36

Title: The Lies We Tell (10/?)
Pairing: gen, Gill, Cal
Rating: K+
Disclaimer: LtM not mine; Henri & Le Fort, mine.
Summary: When Zoe brings a new case and a new partner to the Lightman Group, long-buried truths will be revealed as they work to defend an innocent man, while a side investigation may place one partner in mortal peril.
A/N: No beta ( Read more... )

the lies we tell, lie to me, cal/gill

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Comments 38

bsgroxmysox September 16 2010, 20:12:12 UTC
I'm still loving it!! Why have you run out of steam? :(
Seriously I'm still here to read it if you continue, but if you don't I can totally understand that! I love that Cal and Gill fancy each other now ;) YAY!


gwassh0ppa September 19 2010, 20:30:36 UTC
Let me just say that it got frustrating knowing that I was working super hard on this, not knowing if people really cared (other than the fine ones that always comment on this sucker :coughyoucough)

I'm still going. It'll be a week til the next update, but it's coming.



zolotazirka September 16 2010, 22:25:35 UTC
I really am enjoying this story, and the complex background you've given Gillian. I would rather enjoy it if you continued.


gwassh0ppa September 19 2010, 20:31:01 UTC
Then continue I shall. Thanks for reading and commenting!


lorenluvsjeff33 September 16 2010, 22:29:37 UTC
as usual, i adored it! love the part where cal can't keep his eyes to himself. =] i really hope your steam comes back because this story is amazing and you totally can't leave us hanging on what's going to happen. <333333


gwassh0ppa September 19 2010, 20:31:36 UTC
Adoration. Good. I like that. Well, just for that, I'll see what I can do. ICON LOVE. Thanks for reading and commenting!


crumpled_up September 16 2010, 22:41:09 UTC
Losing steam? What can I do to bribe you to keep this going? I will do just about anything. ;)

You know I love this. To pieces. I love love love the Foster and Torres bonding moments! I've been dying to see that on the show, that and Monica Raymund is always so excited to work with Kelli and mentions stuff about about girl power. The back and forth between Foster and Torres and the happiness they radiated was just so perfect. I love it. I love that Foster is taking care of her, taking her under her wing and letting her work on the project. Absolutely love it.

And everyone's going to be over for Thanksgiving? That's bound to be hell. ;) I can't wait.

Then Cal staring at Gillian's legs. HA. Yes. And she's no longer lying to herself. I feel for her. She's so mixed up right now and she's got so much on her plate. This is exciting!. Please continue. Because you rock and this fic is amazing. And really, you're a genius. ♥


gwassh0ppa September 19 2010, 20:36:03 UTC
I'll take blackmail in the form of more fic from you :)

Want to know a secret? This whole chap was me trying out new stuff. I rarely write Torres. That and writing several people having a conversation is also tricky, so I was seeing how it would come out. No complaints on that front so I guess it worked :)

The Thanksgiving, it'll be interesting. Not nearly as bad as people are imagining though. Keeping it low key for once :)

Dude. CAL would totally be all up on that. Such a creeper he is. Once again, with the genius. I HEART THAT. JK. NOt really. ThANKs for reading and commenting like usual. MAKES ME HAPPY.


crumpled_up September 19 2010, 22:10:53 UTC
Oooh. I think I may be up to that challenge. ;) I just need some inspiration first. I hear there may be a comment fic-a-thon going on soon. That just might be what I need to spark something. But if you want something specific, I'm game. Except smut because I cannot write that for the life of me. Just let me know. Anything to motivate you, my friend. :D


icarus_abides September 16 2010, 23:22:16 UTC
I'm still loving this! I think you may get invested in things again once Thanksgiving dinner rolls around. All the plots in this are just so complex, it has to be challenging to write!

Or, you could just go the ATTHS route. I wouldn't mind ;)



gwassh0ppa September 19 2010, 20:40:14 UTC
Ah yes. The plot. It is quite crazy. YOU HAVE NO IDEA. But it's in my head. Just have to get it all out.

If all else fails, I will go the ATTHS route. Trust me.

Thanks for reading and commenting!


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