Thoughts on Simon's appearance in "The sense of Wonder"?

Jun 24, 2010 21:55

Much like a kind of similar post of mine in October, it would be -especially- great if other cosplayers here would be willing to help out. But really, if anyone at all has any ideas, I'd appreciate it a lot. :)

So for Otakon this July/August (hint: that's bolded because I want to meet all of you and nerd out with you, in person, for real), which I'm ( Read more... )

question, parallel works, event, cosplay

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Comments 24

stormflight June 25 2010, 01:58:13 UTC
Aww, Otakon. I'm going to be there - sorta, not at the con officially but lurking around outside with friends (damn money shortages!), so hopefully I'll catch a glimpse of some excellent costumes! If not, I'm looking forward to pictures. :D


autophanous June 25 2010, 02:10:30 UTC
double k simon would be AMAZING, for the record.

I'm doing final battle leite. I'll have to keep an eye out for you!


rain_normally June 25 2010, 03:11:39 UTC
-Leite-?? That makes you an EXTREMELY cool person. I'll look out for you, too!

Double K Simon... yeah, I hope I'll be able to do the dress and heels justice, haha. >_> I guess first order of business is noting Osaka on deviantart to find out what colour that dress is actually supposed to be (if there is an "official" colour, as in if he has any coloured drawings kicking around of hooker-Simon or anything...).

I'm already planning to be stupidly in-character except when people are actually trying to talk to me (as in me, not the character)... pretending to be trying hard to keep up the facade of being a lovely young hooker, despite being very awkward and uncomfortable and kind of a terrible actor. All because my bro put me in drag and told me to. Yeah. I can also fake a pretty good stutter, so I guess there's that.

(Meanwhile, I will not pretend to be really bad at walking in heels, on the grounds that I will not need to -pretend- to be really bad at walking in heels)


autophanous June 25 2010, 03:22:18 UTC
HAHAHA I AM NEARLY CRYING OVER HERE HOLY GOD YOU MUST DO THIS. I tried to get some dude friends of mine to do it and they were all ':| no we hate fun and joy and hookers.' friggin' killjoys, man.

(and thank you! leite is so underrated and no one cosplays her ANYWAY, let alone this version. doesn't help that the show is entirely lacking in full-body reference shots. make shit up yesssss)


rain_normally June 25 2010, 03:59:33 UTC
You... mean...'s possible to hate fun and joy and hookers?

...I...I think I'm going to have to be alone and think things over for a while.


murasakidoku June 25 2010, 02:16:04 UTC
I'd do Yoko but I need a year of preparation and I don't think I could make NYAF...

Kamina, Yoko, and Simon's numbers are 38, 37, and 33, respectively.


rain_normally June 25 2010, 03:52:58 UTC
That's a shame, on both counts. ): I actually haven't been to NYAF before either. I -heard- last year wasn't actually all that great, on the whole, but I have pretty high hopes for this year. At the very least, I'm trying LARPing there, marking the first time I've ever tried that. >_> I may not return alive.

It'd be awesome to have you on board at some point or another, though, you make a great Yoko. :) Might you be heading to Otakon? (Just wondering because like I said in the original post, I love meeting other GL nerds anyway, in -or- out of costume.)

And thanks for the link! :O I wouldn't even have been able to -guess- at Simon's too well, since you don't even see his forehead clearly in the video for more than about a second. It looked to me in the booklet scans as though it was supposed to be 00, too, so I was a little confused. That helps a lot. :)


velasa June 25 2010, 04:36:47 UTC
... I think you just said "Double K Cosplay", and that thought fills me with joy. Frikking epic. Man I need to find a way to read that comic again without going back to that awful website.

As for SOW Simon, I always thought the thing he had on was more like a scarf but looking at the designs someone posted a little while ago, it seems like a wider, heavier version of the kind of collar Kamina's wearing in SOW cept that Simon closes his.


rain_normally June 25 2010, 23:26:04 UTC
Deviantart's not my favourite place, either, but Double K is worth it.

A scarf? *looks again* That's an interesting thought, I guess it -does- look kind of like that or a weird cowl neck or something. I should pattern at least most of the costume today, and I've got some factory cotton lying around, so I could always experiment...


lizzy_kun June 25 2010, 04:39:34 UTC
I'll be at Otakon. I posted a thread on their forums to find out/gather interest in a gurren lagann photoshoot. I'll be regular Simon & I'll hopefully have robber Simon from the multiverse done for the con as well since it's light and summer-y.

I agree there has to be a sense of wonder group. I plan on doing that version of Simon for Youmacon. I believe that is a hood. It's just an effed up hood created to piss off cosplayers. I think they're just random symbols. Simon's looks like ZZ to me. I'd go for the scarring though, as they look like brands to me. I definitely want to get pics of you though! I got a nice DSLR over the holidays and I'm using Otakon as an excuse to try my hand at some nice photos. You should still do Double K though! Double K is awesome!


rain_normally June 25 2010, 05:00:35 UTC
Oh, I saw your pre-timeskip Simon on! You did a really nice job on it. :) Your "naked" upper body actually made me do a double-take -- I saw the thumbnails and thought "WAIT, HOW THE HELL DID SHE ACHIEVE THAT EFFE-- oh..." It's rare to see female Simons with a bodysuit, etc. that matches their skintone that well. And you look cute! Cuteness is pretty essential when you're Simon. Which is why it may actually be ill-advised for me to cosplay as him

I -might- bring my OWN pre-timeskip Simon, I definitely worked long and hard enough on it. >_> I'm hoping to be able to put up decent pictures of that about mid-month. That'd bring the tally for the weekend up to three costumes, but I... -think- I could handle that if one is already done? And it's not like Double K Simon will be hard.*

I'll be sure to watch out for you and your cool camera. :) ...And PLEASE tell me you've got a Robber-Kamina coming with you.

* Famous last words.


lizzy_kun June 25 2010, 19:50:20 UTC
Thank you. My friend will be crossplaying robber Kamina. We plan on ghetto rigging one of those mini LED flashlights to a headband to mimic the miner-light thingy he wears. I told her we should make fake robber sacks and fill them with those cheapo mardi gras beads and hand them out to random people. XD


rain_normally June 25 2010, 23:10:23 UTC
...That'd be amazing, hahahaha. Please do that, it'd be great.


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