(no subject)

Sep 14, 2010 22:55

It's been a fuzzy world so far. There's been voices, sounds, smells. Lots of cuddles.

Gradually seperating into three sets. A deep voice with big gentle hands, a lighter voice with smaller gentle hands, and a small high pitched person that shouts and sometimes screams.

The small person is getting bigger, about the size of a nursery doll, and makes a bad noise when hit, hair pulled, or when attempting to feed it mashed potato. It is often dressed in pink. It otherwise does very little. Sometimes it smells bad. It is handy for distracting Mummy and Daddy. It is also handy for distracting Granny, who is no longer interested in me. I like that.

Soft fluffy rug small person on the floor under big green hoop with dangly things mummy on sofa small fly buzzing near window television on animal channel smells slightly of old bananas in here.

Alex crawls across the floor, looking down at the baby batting away at the hoop covered in dangly things. Clearly the dangly things are interesting, so he rolls the baby over and sits in her spot.

"Fry, put her back please." Guppy says, watching him.

Alex rolls the baby back over. Her face is going that red, screwed up way that she tends to go before about to make a big Bad Noise. Remembering what Mummy does, he starts singing Baa Baa Grey Sheep. The face gradually goes less red, and the baby stares at him.

Guppy, who was about to intervene, instead records the cute scene on his phone, until interruped by the doorbell. He lets Dr Wood, his recouperating boss, into the living room. The senior doctor smiles at the children.

"Nice to see they're doing well." he says, reaching down to give Coral a tickle. Alex makes a small disgruntled noise at being interrupted, ignores Dr Wood, and goes to sit in his zone.

"Thanks. When are you coming back?" Guppy asks.

"Next week. I'm medically fit and the police found no evidence of foul play. I'm sure it was an accident." Dr Wood says.

"It'll be good to have you back." Guppy says, still not convinced, but letting it drop. "Dr Sharpe's been piling on the pressure."

"Dr Sharpe has no right to pile on the pressure, his budget cuts have been so successful that he just bought a convertable with his reward bonus."

"He gets a bonus that big when they're closing wards elsewhere?" Guppy asks, somewhat disgusted.

"He's saved the Trust a lot more than he's got out of it." Dr Wood says. "I don't like it any more than you do, but without people like Dr Sharpe even more wards would close."

They entertain Dr Wood a little longer, then Guppy takes the kids out shopping for winter clothes.
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