Title: Oblate
Series: Yu Gi Oh AU - Dying Autumn Leaves
Characters: Marthea, Sefton
Genre: Drama, Angst
Summary: He let her go without another word, without another glance. "Go," he said, his voice rough but not without a tinge of defeat. "Leave me in peace."
Oblate )
Comments 6
Hmmm...Is it Yuugi the Pharaoh aka Lord Sefton's father? Or the adoptive father of Seto's and Mokuba's in the show?
I loved this. Especially since Seto was trying to show her (reverse psychology) that he would not harm her and how she bravely admitted she had been raped. Not even in this age do girls come forward when they've been sexually assaulted.
I can't wait when you finally publish this novel!
Hehehehe, Sefton's really hard to pin down if only cuz he never really shares his motives with anyone. He usually has some reason for acting like a prick though. (If she had been a servant fer real he would have tapped that, whether she wanted to or not - he's no saint). Marthea's admittance is more due to the fact of her upbringing - i.e. she has a sense that she is owed respect by virtue of her station. Sefton's dad didn't adhere to the ORDER of things therefore she is not at fault and he deserves to be punished. At the same time, she's very conscious of WHO she tells. And - hey - Sefton asked so it was pretty much a forgone conclusion he probably already knew.
Oi, publish? I'm still at chapter II with snippets all over the place >-
Plus, reading good fic results in good fic. Just sayin', is all. :}
I always do like Téa/Anzu for being such a strong character who doesn't seem to break as easily as others do or might, but I wonder what her (rather, Marthea's) breaking point is? How could she go through the 2 years of more-or-less "torture" that she does and still have the strength to stand up to Sefton?
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