Title: A Discriminating Palate (or Five Times Ren DIDN'T bite Maki and One Time He DID) Chapter: 3 - Lunch Fandom: Karin (anime) Characters: Ren + Maki Genre: Humor/Romance Summary: He fantasizes about her in the bath, when he's lying in his coffin, when he's drinking from another source. And that's what pisses him off about the situation the
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Yes, I've been stockpiling fic. In fact, I can't even remember how much I've written and sent to Em in the last two years that I haven't actually posted. >-< This one was sent to Em on 3-12-2010
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So I wrote this a LONG time ago. I actually sent it to Em over a year ago! HOLY SHIT! I'm still working on the last part but it's almost finished so I'm gonna start posting
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Why yes I skipped this past Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. I'm a busy little bee completely swamped with cookie business (even had to take some time from work to deliver the rest of my boxes) and the word choice left little to inspire
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Title: Her First Time Series: Glass Books of the Dreameaters Character: Celestial Temple Genre: Introspective Rating: M WARNING: Sexual themes. Female masturbation
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Title: Sibling Rivalry Series: Star Wars RPG - The Shadow and the Flame Characters: Sancha, Rys, Fimia, Van Genre: Humor Rating: T Summary: Sometimes, when Fimia watched them, she was struck by how much they had become as siblings.
This is somewhat autobiographical in terms that I'm facing a biological problem that is severely frustrating and causing all kinds of self-esteem problems
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