
Mar 07, 2009 13:12

This only took me this side of forever (so sorry about that), but it took me a couple of days. Anyway, here it is!

Random association meme.
Ask me to associate you with five things. When I do this, post this meme and an explanation of your interest in those five things in your journal.

g0shawk associated me with ( Read more... )

writing, heroes, david anders, claude, meme

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Comments 37

ti_ana March 7 2009, 13:50:37 UTC
Sark is so awesome; great bad guy in Alias. I think I like Adam better, though, just because he seems to have more motivation than Sark seemed to. Sark always either ran off or immediately switched "loyalties" as soon as he was captured. (I'll never forget his "my loyalties are flexible" line in one of the last episodes of season 2, when he gets captured in Sweden.) I have to admit I did prefer Michael Vartan to David Anders, but Anders doesn't fall far behind.

What I always find amusing is that they have him playing all these British characters when he's actually American. (Well, I've only ever seen him in Alias and Heroes, so I don't know what other characters he's played, but I'm going by those two.)


guanin March 7 2009, 14:07:35 UTC
I like Adam better, too, but they're both so yummy. Sark is very much the opportunist and probably a bit of a coward. I think I liked Vartand and Anders equally on that series, but I was already biased towards Anders due to Adam, who I loved writing.

Alias and Heroes are his only extensive, high-profile roles. He's done little roles in other shows like CSI and Deadwood and a couple of movies, always as an American. But a lot of people think he's British at first. During season 5 of Alias, when Sark was pretending to be an American, DA joked that some people might think he did a horrible American accent.


ti_ana March 7 2009, 14:18:20 UTC
Lol. Yeah, the first time I watched that episode, I didn't know he was American. He doesn't have that many lines with an American accent in that scene, so I wasn't really paying attention to it. Same thing happened with James Marsters from Buffy. Even though he's American, I got so used to hearing him speak with a British accent, that when I heard him speaking in his regular accent in an interview, I wasn't even sure he sounded quite American, hah.


guanin March 7 2009, 17:23:16 UTC
You know, I have yet to hear James Marsters speak in his native accent. But the first time I heard DA, he sounded so weird. Now I-m used to it, but it did take some adjustment, I admit.


visiblemarket March 7 2009, 14:30:53 UTC
You're answer to "Claude" makes me sad. So very, very sad. Oh Claude why? WHY?!?!? *sniff*

Can you tell I'm a Plaude fangirl? ;)

No! *Gasp*! Well, I never! ;)


guanin March 7 2009, 17:25:20 UTC
I'm sorry! It depressed me, too, while I was writing it. Why must Claude's life be so tragic? It's not fair. *hugs Claude*

*giggles* I've got it so bad. *runs off to write Plaude*


visiblemarket March 7 2009, 18:11:45 UTC
I just want to tell him that he's wonderful and lovely and amazing and hug him and never let go. Poor guy.

Plaude is just such an addictive pairing. Both of them are just so deserving of a happy ending.


guanin March 7 2009, 18:21:27 UTC
Me, too. He deserves so much love. From Peter. And they would live happily ever after in a little on the outskirts of London with their nice, little garden and pigeons fluttering about everywhere.


g0shawk March 12 2009, 00:58:57 UTC
Oh, I didn't know you saw DA as Adam before Sark. I saw Sark first :) That's really interesting that you write about them together.

I wish they would bring Claude back. There's been a couple times in the show when I really thought they might (like when Hiro was hanging from the flagpole) but no dice. I like your thoughts about him :) You're the one that makes me ship Plaude occasionally.

Yay for Heroes!

Spanish: very cool.

I'm not to that point yet with writing - I can go a while without writing. I think it's awesome that it means that much to you, though. Neat that you remember those details about the class. And I know what you mean - I'm really picky about my writing.


guanin March 12 2009, 01:18:02 UTC
I'm kinda glad that I saw Adam first, because otherwise I might have had Sark's impression on my mind while watching Heroes. It didn't take my pervy mind long to jump to shipping them together. :)

me, too. I miss him so much. *snort* I honestly thought for a second that Hiro was going to ask the pigeon to get Claude. Or that Claude (who was on the roof that day) would peek over the edge and find Hiro clinging so desperately. I do? Yay! It's nice to have that effect. The two are so meant to be.

I don't know if my body chemistry is prone to addiction or what (not that I have any of the usual cases), but the withdrawal is fierce. It can get troublesome during trips, though. And at essay time. I think every artist is picky with what they create. It's impossible not to spot the imperfections everywhere.


g0shawk March 13 2009, 19:48:41 UTC
*nods* I thought of him as Sark for a looooong time before I accepted him as a different character.

lol :P Yeah, it would have made perfect sense to bring Claude back then, at least temporarily.
Well, you're the only one on my f'list that writes about them :)

Aw. Oh I hate it when I'm writing for school b/c I'd so much rather be writing fun stuff.
I'm glad the readers aren't usually as picky as me. :P


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