
Mar 07, 2009 13:12

This only took me this side of forever (so sorry about that), but it took me a couple of days. Anyway, here it is!

Random association meme.
Ask me to associate you with five things. When I do this, post this meme and an explanation of your interest in those five things in your journal.

g0shawk associated me with:

David Anders

David Anders: Oh, the old obsession. I've been fangirling over this guy longer than any other. It started with Adam, lovely, mischevious, megalomaniac that he is (how I miss him). At first, I found him cute duing the feudal scenes, but to be honest I didn't really start feeling it until he emerged in the present as Adam, bitter, manipulative, seductive. Then the fixation truly began. Soon, I began to write him, and though at first I was certain (as I always do) I was getting it all wrong, soon his pov began to come together. Some of the most fun I've had writing first person have been with him. Naturallty, I had to find out who this actor playing him was, so I searched the net for pictures, interviews, videos. I went into major icon making mode. Most of the icons I have are still DA ones. I watched the whole Alias series in less than two months, during which I naturaly fell in love with Sark. Writing them together became almost mandatory.

Now, he's not around Heroes anymore, which still makes me want to send Kring hate mail, but I restrain myself. I'm waiting eagerly to see The Revenant in summer even if it's online someplace. It looks corny, but I still want to see it. I play the trailer when I need some cheering up.

Claude: Oh, Claude. How I miss you. I can't remember exactly my first impressions except for thinking, "He and Peter would go great together," after which I wrote my first Plaude fic. Surely Chris Eccleston's phenomenal acting was what first drew me in, as well as the snark (I love snark) and him trying to force Peter to face some uncomfortable truths to help him survive. What most strikes me is his loneliness and his concious decision to be alone to avoid death, reducing himself to the merest form of survival. Food, shelter, probably some random entertainment, and that's it. The only beings he allows himself to come into contact with are animals. In the show we see him with the pigeons and there might have been others before. He's surrounded by people, walking around them, wandering into their houses, watching them in their private moments, yet he can't reach forward and and connect because he's too afraid. Peter was right; he is afraid of the world and with good reason. His best friend, partner of eight years, tried to kill him because his boss told him to. He trusted Noah. He truly believed Noah was better than that despite all the evidence to the contrary and yet he still got in the car. No wonder why he's not willing to run that risk again. Until Peter swoops in and forces him to try, once again, to make a difference by helping Pete not destroy New York and kill thousands (millions?) of people. And he has fun with it. He likes being with Peter even if he won't admit it. The jokes, the laughter when Peter is caught with that woman's purse: that's genuine. And who knows what we didn't see between the scenes. Yet when he finds himself facing Noah again, once more terrified for his life, he runs. Survival instinct. He's trained himself too well. When he sees danger, he flees, It's automatic. But I don't think he went lightly. Hell, I think he probably felt like shit about it. He certainly does in my fics, at least. Because he finally made a connection with a person after so many years of being alone.

Can you tell I'm a Plaude fangirl? ;)

Heroes: My main fandom for a year and a half now. I got into it just at the start of season 2. I saw the first ad before it aired back in 2006, was kinda intrigued, but ultimately decided I was more interested in other stuff at the time. What that other stuff was, I don't remember, but it was probably HBO shows. This was also during approximately year/2 year long period during which I became disillusioned with regular network programming, primarily due to HBO raising my standards. So I let it pass me by without thinking more about it until the next summer, when I saw the DVDs at Borders. I was looking for a new show to watch at that moment, so I thought, "why not?" and started renting them off Netflix. Due to the USPS taking forever to deliver anything to Puerto Rico, I didn't actually finish the first season before the second one started. I tried catching some of the last episodes online, but the internet connection back home is a bitch when it comes to videos, so I watched 2x1 without knowing half of what actually happened in 1x23. No matter. I got into it anyway, even though it soon became clear that the second season was a dud, but then Adam came in and made it all better. He really saved that season. If it hadn't been for him, there wouldn't have been a point.

So now Heroes is still my main fandom and will likely continue to be so for a long while now as long as the quality keeps up as it has for this volume (finally).

Spanish: My mother tongue. I'm from Puerto Rico (mom was Puerto Rican; dad is Mexican), but I also grew up speaking English, so I'm a lifelong bilibual. although, due to the prevalence of Spanglish (and PR has the most extreme form of Spanglish in Latin America), I kinda find it a bit difficult to speak in Spanish without having my brain thrwo a whole bunch of English words at me, so if I'm speaking to someone who doesn't know English, I often get stuck, and most like I do know how to say a term in Spanish, it just won't come out when it's supposed to. So that's... not so weird for the people I grew up with, really.

Writing: My life! Okay, a huge part of my life. Like breathing, really. If I spend over a day without writing I get withdrawal and wake up feeling drained and empty. I wrote my first little thing when I was either ten or eleven (fanfic, as it turned out), decided that I was crap at it, and stopped until this bunny smacked me out of nowhere during a class in tenth grade. We were in one of those trailers that when it rains it clatters so loudly that you can't hear anything, so the teacher had to pause the class and suddenly I got this idea and I had to write it down right now or I would go nuts. That afternoon, I revised it thrice before I finally left it alone, not that I really felt satisfied. I wasn't happy with any of my writing for years. I wrote very sporadically for the next three years and just before starting college, I discovered fanfic online. Slowly, I started writing more, got better at it, and now I like my writing (most cases), though I still can't help seeing warts everywhere when I re-read something, but I think every writer has that problem.

writing, heroes, david anders, claude, meme

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