It's E.R. again, and as soon as I saw the topic of his post, before I even read anything, I went to the menu bar, Edit -> Find, and searched for "Canada" and "Canadian", nothing. Skim through his posts, the closest that Canada is brought in, is "The West", we are not even in Iraq, we have nothing to do with the prison abuse scandal, why the heck is this
in canpolitik and
at canadadebate.
I just get so sick of the endless America this, and America that, pro/anti, STFU. While them being our neighbours, we must keep them in mind because they affect us, most of the time it's like we've forgotten we exist as a separate entity. Argh.
Seriously, while "The Drums of War Sound a Seductive Rhythm" are an interesting topic, he needs to take his 100% Canadian content free posts, elsewhere. I also do not believe that E. R.'s drive by rant to the choir did the topic justice, or added anything valuable to any discussion already taking place, at all, read his actual post.
My comment:
Everyone is always talking about America -
American Politics. -
Global Politics -
International Politics -
bush_sucks -
All those those goddamned "Let's talk about America" posts lately, this one is not as bad as
PV yet (I actually got the two mixed up at first), but the tone of this post was so annoying. It would have been okay, "exemplary" on the blogging bellcurve considering the other stuff on LJ...were not for his "I'm a writer/columist" vibe he gives off, check out his bio and his
website. Oh people, live up to your ads. Right now, it's shooting at fishes in the barrel and getting hits...after a few misses. The
post is a bunch of statements, plus a few pictures links, and it's not very well put together.